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Hi all -

Well, about 4-5 times recently, always after my roommate uses my xp computer, the bottom right taskbar has changed - all 3 network icons have big red x's on them - my wireless with the x, if I click on it, it says I'm not connected, even though I am, and also I lose audio and it says I have no mixer.

If I reboot, all is fine again, or I can just go into services.msc and restart my audio, and ignore the x's on all my network icons since they don't seem to be accurate.

My roommate says he's not doing anything unusual - looking at his gmail, google plus, soundcloud. It's never happened while I've been on the computer.

Any idea what can be causing this? I have the paid MBAM protection and I really don't think I have malware or anything. But it's a very strange thing.

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