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For whatever reason my XPproSP2 computer reboots on the 36th minute after the hour fairly suddenly and regularly. For example 8:36, 9:36, 10:36, etc - doesn't matter what I'm doing, the screen goes as if the power was dumped. I've tried downloading the latest definitions of Malwarebytes and it doesn't seem to help. Do any of you know anything about any bug causing problems like this? Appears to be some sort of bug to be so regular. My machine hasn't rebooted in safemode yet but in normal, it's as if someone pulled the power cord on the 36th minute after the hour, reboots just fine and runs another hour just great.


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Have you checked your scheduled tasks? You can do so by following these instructions. If you see any tasks scheduled that say shutdown or use the shutdown command, then that's your culprit. It's also possible that if you have an hourly scan set in your antivirus, third party backup software or third party defragmentation software set with some sort of "shutdown when complete" type option, that it could be the cause.

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Case closed and here’s the deal for anyone else faced with a similar issue. It appears that one of the Google products left some ‘update’ piece that was causing the crashes even after the product had been uninstalled. After reading through the Windows Event Viewer, I could see a remnant, “GUpdate” that was suspiciously coming up in that log and in deleting the “Google” entries from my registry, I was able to get the random reboots stopped. Removed from these two branches of my registry.



Thanks for the replies guys...

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Have you checked your scheduled tasks? You can do so by following these instructions. If you see any tasks scheduled that say shutdown or use the shutdown command, then that's your culprit. It's also possible that if you have an hourly scan set in your antivirus, third party backup software or third party defragmentation software set with some sort of "shutdown when complete" type option, that it could be the cause.

Wow cool, that's handy info too. Thank you very much... :-)

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