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An affiliate alerted us to the paid version of MB blocking our sites (corporate adult sites, fully secure, non ad based ones ie one of ours currently IP blocked is www.stockingsecrets.com) as well as images in a mailer which don't come from the same IP as them. I use the free version of MB and hadn't noticed any issues (it's a real time web browsing block). About maybe 9 months ago a site we took over a site which was built on WordPress (ugh) that was hacked which may be the cause of this, we quickly moved it from WP to our own more secure platform which removed the problem. If you can see any other reason why we might be blocked can you please let me know ASAP? We have pretty good detection in place because given the traffic to our sites, any exploit could reach a lot of people very quickly. We don't use thirdy party scripts on any of our sensitive servers so if there is anything wrong with any of our sites (other than the subjective tastefulness of the content of course) any help would be much appreciated. We have many thousands of paying members I need to protect.

Kind Regards, Andrewb

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