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Greetings :)

This appears to be a known issue that occasionally occurs with this software. From here:

Known problems


NTREGOPT sometimes fails with error 1450 - "Insufficient system

resources exist to complete the requested service" - when trying to

save an optimized registry hive. I have not yet been able to reproduce

this error on any PC, and reports from affected users indicate that it

also pops up when trying to back up the critical hive using

Microsoft's REGBACK program. This makes it unlikely that there is

anything I can do on my (the programmer's) side. Some users reported

however that they were able to work around the problem by running

NTREGOPT in Windows' safe mode, and in one case uninstalling a

Symantec software suite solved it permanently. One user reported that

increasing the "IRPStackSize" value as described in Microsoft

Knowledge Base article 177078 fixed the problem on his system.

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