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Our company owns a 50 node corporate license of Malwarebyes and I'm trying to find out where the location of the Scheduler Settings are (registry, config file, etc.)? I want to be able to include a weekly scan and daily update schedules with the silent install that I have configured. Does anyone know where these settings are stored?

Sorry if this has already been answered in another forum post but I can't seem to find it anywhere?

Thanks for your help.

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Hello markcmann and welcome to the Malwarebytes Forums.

You can fill out the form here and a member of our corporate support team will contact you with an answer to your question. Make sure to include your Cleverbridge reference number or your Id and Key in your submission.

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Hello markcmann and welcome to the Malwarebytes Forums.

You can fill out the form here and a member of our corporate support team will contact you with an answer to your question. Make sure to include your Cleverbridge reference number or your Id and Key in your submission.

Yes I did that already but was hoping to get a quick answer.


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