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Okay. I was worried because I was afraid I might get infected with something my malwarebytes could not pick up. So if I were to get infected with a

virus that my protection could not pick up, would it shut my protection down or what. And I thought my protection would protect my PC against just about anything, I am a newbie cause I just got your software not too long ago. I got the full version of malwarebytes by the way. I heard that this protection isn't that good against viruses but is good against Malware. I am just confused, can someone help me. and maybe give me some tips?

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Hi :)

Malwarebytes is designed to work alongside your existing protection by catching what your antivirus misses. Malware is the general term for all types of programs that infect your pc or malicious software. Malwarebytes does not protect in the same way a typical antivirus does. Here's some good free ones. :)

Avast free

Microsoft Security Essentials

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Hi :)

Malwarebytes is designed to work alongside your existing protection by catching what your antivirus misses. Malware is the general term for all types of programs that infect your pc or malicious software. Malwarebytes does not protect in the same way a typical antivirus does. Here's some good free ones. :)

Avast free

Microsoft Security Essentials

But if I don't have a antivirus malwarebytes will do just as good right?

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No, absolutely not. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is NOT a replacement for an active antivirus, it is a supplemental form of protection designed only to guard against threats known to often escape detection by most antivirus software, so using Malwarebytes by itself is insufficient to protect your system.

Ok I NOW have downloaded the free version of Microsoft Security Essentials. now i have this AND the full version of malwarebytes, so am I now fully protected?

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You are now very well protected but nothing is 100% foolproof. You also need to take care to make sure such things as Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash Player, Java, your browser, your operating system, etc... are all up to date & patched. :)

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Well will Avira work with malwarebytes then?

It does but my reply from before still applies:

...but nothing is 100% foolproof. You also need to take care to make sure such things as Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash Player, Java, your browser, your operating system, etc... are all up to date & patched. :)

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