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Help! I recommended MBAM Pro 1.51.1800 to a friend (Windows 7 Home Professional) and it is not updating. We are registered.

Searched the forums and found that exceptions need to be added for mbam.exe, mbamgui.exe, and mbamservice.exe in the Microsoft Security Essentials settings (Processes) so I did that. I've put a Malwarebytes exclusion in the Windows Firewall. I've also added an "Ignore" for Microsoft Security Essentials in the

It still doesn't update at the time I specified. Also, the "Check for Update" button is greyed out EVEN if I run Malwarebytes as Administrator from the right-click menu. (It SHOULD run as Administrator anyway, since there is only one user account on this home computer and it is Administrator. Guest Acct. is disabled.)

If I right-click on the Malwarebytes icon in the Taskbar (lower right) and choose "Check for updates" the window opens, it connects to the server, downloads the update and then gives me the PROGRAM_ERROR_UPDATING (5, 0, CreateFile) Access is denied error.

This is a problem for me, since I feel responsible for recommending the program and I need to drive out in the country to his house when there is a problem like this. Then doing what I'm supposed to doesn't make a difference. (Running as Administrator does not let me update).

Please help.

Can I download the latest version and will it still recognize the existing registration or will I have to enter the serial no. again? Maybe the new version fixes the problem??

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Please do the following:

run windows file and folder diag to correct any file & folder permissions.

then perform a clean install of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

  • Download and run mbam-clean.exe from here
  • It will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so very important
  • After the computer restarts, temporarily disable your Anti-Virus and install the latest version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from here

    • Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent via email if using the Pro version
    • Launch the program and set the Protection and Registration. Then go to the UPDATE tab if not done during installation and check for updates.
      Restart the computer again and verify that MBAM is in the task tray if using the Pro version. Now setup any file exclusions as may be required in your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security/Firewall applications and restart your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security applications. You may use the guides posted in the FAQ's here or ask and we'll explain how to do it.

Here are the reciprocal exclusions for Microsoft Security Essentials

Set Exclusions for Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware in Microsoft Security Essentials on 32 bit Windows Versions:

  1. Open Microsoft Security Essentials and click on Settings at the top
  2. Click on Excluded processes on the left
  3. Click on the Browse... button
  4. Click on the + next to your primary hard drive (usually C:)
  5. Click on the + next to Program Files
  6. Click on the + next to Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
  7. Click once on mbam.exe and click on OK
  8. Repeat steps 3-7 for the following files:
    • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe
    • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe

[*]Click on the Add button

[*]Click on Save at the bottom and click Continue if prompted

[*]Close Microsoft Security Essentials

Set Exclusions for Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware in Microsoft Security Essentials on 64 bit Windows Versions:

  1. Open Microsoft Security Essentials and click on Settings at the top
  2. Click on Excluded processes on the left
  3. Click on the Browse... button
  4. Click on the + next to your primary hard drive (usually C:)
  5. Click on the + next to Program Files (x86)
  6. Click on the + next to Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
  7. Click once on mbam.exe and click on OK
  8. Repeat steps 3-7 for the following files:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe

[*]Click on the Add button

[*]Click on Save at the bottom and click Continue if prompted

[*]Close Microsoft Security Essentials

Set Exclusions for Microsoft Security Essentials in Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:

  • Open Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and click on the Ignore List tab
  • Click the Add button on the lower left
  • In the small browse window that opens, navigate to C:\Program Files and click once on Microsoft Security Essentials and click OK
  • Close Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

let us know if this resolves the issue for you.

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Thank you for the reply.

Before getting your message, I had set the reciprocal exclusions for Microsoft Security Essentials/MBAM. I decided to try uninstalling Malwarebytes and then download and install the latest version. When I ran the installer (this time), I made sure to do so "As Administrator". After doing that (installing to the same default location as previously) I was able to activate the "Check for Update" button and it was able to connect to the server and verify that I had the current version/database. I also did not have to reenter the serial number, it apparently recognized it and came up as the PRO version without doing anything.

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I see. Thanks for the add'l information.

Somehow I missed that piece of info (on installing "as Administrator"). I would have thought that since (in my friend's case) the only User account on the machine IS an Administrator that it would have done so anyway, but there must be something about different levels of Administrator in Windows 7 that I don't fully understand.

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