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I want to buy one license of MBAM pro.

I dont understand this : "Extended Download - (Available online for 24 months from date of purchase)"

Once I buy the license and download the application, could I download the app once more, eg., if I format my computer and install a fresh windows ? or I need to stock the downloaded .exe install of MBAM on a usbkey for future installation ?

Thanks and sorry for my english.

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Welcome to the forums theold :)

The extended download is a feature that Cleverbridge adds to each purchase of software as far as I know.

What is important in the case of MBAM, is the license key. If you format your computer or have to re-install MBAM for any reason, you can just download the free version of MBAM, and register with your purchased license key.

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Welcome to the forums theold :)

The extended download is a feature that Cleverbridge adds to each purchase of software as far as I know.

What is important in the case of MBAM, is the license key. If you format your computer or have to re-install MBAM for any reason, you can just download the free version of MBAM, and register with your purchased license key.

While this statement is true, it is missing some information. The Extended Download feature that is offered by Cleverbridge is a download link that is unique to your purchase and is available for two years from the date of purchase. This is an optional purchase and does not change the length of your license(consumer license are a one time purchase good for life).

If you do not purchase Malwarebytes with this additional feature you will be given a download link that is unique to your order which last approx. two weeks. After that time has elapsed, as Mystery stated, you are more then welcome to download the free version of Malwarebytes from one of our many mirror site and then upgrade using your Id and Key to the Pro version.

Please note that each Malwarebytes consumer license can only be used on a single computer, but can be transferred from old computer to new computer.

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