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Everything posted by Popeye

  1. How true, How true it is.. I share that feeling with you ShyWriter..
  2. Thank you for posting the "Big Cat" AdvancedSetup. It looks great on my desktop.
  3. Loved his movies. Great actor, RIP.
  4. I just did a update on MBAM Pro and installed new release of version 1.50 from beta version. Excellent work MBAM Staff and all who worked on the new version. No problems at all with the update. All setting were kept from the beta version. Well done.
  5. I wish I would have known about this sooner. After spending over 20 years in the military and also a retired truck driver, I drank a lot of coffee. Thanks ShyWriter for making my day. Maybe thats why a lot of truck drivers act crazy, been drinking to much of that flavored coffee.
  6. Wow, some nasty pictures. How can anyone let a computer get this dirty? I clean both my computers every other month if they need it or not.
  7. It's never to late. Todays leftover and turkey sandwich day.
  8. Happy Thanksgiving everyone
  9. Why not, I did. This is the first time I'm using a beta program. The switch to the new release looks like it will be easy. Looks like MBAM put a lot of time and effort in the new 1.50 version. I'm Very Happy and satisfied with it.
  10. B) Good one AdvancedSetup. I got this from a friend yesterday: WHAT A GREAT IDEA. This has got to be one of the greatest ideas I've heard......... and I'm sure that someone could figure out how to do it! Here's a simple solution to the controversy over full-body scanners at airports . Develop an enclosed booth that passengers step into but , instead of X-raying them, when the door closes, it will detonate any explosive device they have hidden on or in their body. The explosion will be contained within the sealed booth. This would be a win-win for everyone! There would be no more concern about racial profiling. The booth would eliminate long, expensive trials. You're in the airport and you hear a muffled explosion, followed by an announcement over the PA system, "Attention standby passengers, we now have a seat available on flight number..." What's not to like? Brilliant !
  11. Thanks for this information. I have excluded all my Norton Program Files and it sure does improve the system performance. Thanks again.
  12. Are you old enough to remember what you were doing 47 years ago today? November 22, 1963, it has been 47 years since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Most on this forum were not even born yet. I still remember being in school when they gave us the bad news and watching it on the old black-and-white television set. Time sure goes by fast.
  13. Popeye


    Hi Bugsy, Welcome to the Malwarebytes forum.
  14. Good One. I think all men failed the course in mind reading, I know I have.
  15. Wow! Besides the interesting Forum names there are a lot of interesting stories on how these names came about. Thanks for sharing your stories about your Forum Names.
  16. I'm using the Firewall in NIS-2011 , guess I can't vote because it's not listed.
  17. I see a lot of interesting Names on this Forum. Just wondering how you chose your name? My name is easy: Popeye - Over 20 years in the US Navy, Retired. I think the name fits, and no I don't look like Popeye, if anyone is wondering.
  18. The correct terminology might be: " Some of your users might be Computer Illiterate"
  19. NIS - 2011 (Real Time) MBAM - Pro (Real Time) SAS - Pro (On Demand) RoboForm - Pro
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