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Posts posted by bbgk

  1. My apologies for using the "reply" function--habit from another forum.

    Thank you for the links to the information. I've read most of them while trying to find an easier fix than reinstalling the OS. Unfortunately in safe mode my "run" function has disappeared--thus I cannot "run" msconfig. There seems to be too much that has been corrupted to do anything else but reinstall. But I thank you for trying to help me!

  2. Hello,

    I've got a Dimension 3000 running XP Home. Recently I started getting the above BSOD. I can only boot to Safe Mode. From reading here and other places it seems to be a driver problem? I've tried running Dell's driver reset but keep getting an error message that says the admin has set the security policy to prevent this. And my security policy settings are nowhere to be found in the admin control. I'm about ready to just pull the data and reinstall the OS but thought I'd ask here to see if anyone had any ideas. MBAM does not detect any viruses, however this all started shortly after I downloaded FireFox. I've since uninstalled it but the problems persist.

    The stop message ends with (0x804DC11D).


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