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  1. They have done that multiple times. Which is why I also suspect it's an infrastructure issue. I have called Spectrum, gone in person...nothing...I have even had my landline intercepted when I call any agency for help, like T-Mobile, Spectrum, eyc...We have changed our router, emails, log ins. We have contacted NYPD, FBI and all have daid if the threat is not physical or against assets, nothing they can do, which is madness. There have also been security warning for log ins from China. I'm done @Porthos, just want a clean system....worried about the kids....don't know the endgame for this. Just reset router password.😞
  2. Unfortunately @Porthos that wasn't us...we changed our password. My son got a notification via email and he wasn't even home. This is not the first time this has happened. Why I suspect they are nearby.
  3. @Porthos An FYI, they know I am seeking help because they are sending bypass jump pages via Google (Using Opera now, until they figure it out) when I type in certain terms. I get a screen that say No IP address, DNS Error but when I go into Developer Tools, you can view the obvious manipulation and trigger terms in the script, I am clearly online, just block from Google by a fake error page. That's the level of BS I am dealing with.. Thanks again..
  4. @Porthos Appreciate the help from the legendary Baron du Vallon aka Porthos... Attached please find all logs as requested. Please note that these shadow actors have managed to bypass every single antivirus, security app I could get my hands on including this platform. Per usual the scan yielded no threats or malicious files. But The FRST seemed to have picked out some things. I have also attached some of the current Windows logs for an idea of some of the background processes going on. Again, I appreciate you all.. Addition _552024AL.txt AdwCleaner[C00] - First Scan No Detections.txt AdwCleaner[S00].txt AdwCleaner_Debug.log FRST_552024AL.txt Malwarebytes Scan Report 2024-05-05 170703.txt Windows App Log.txt Windows Admin Device Log.txt Windows AppX_Deployment Server Log.txt Windows AppX_Package Log.txt Windows Audio Log.txt Windows BITS Log.txt Windows Corrupt Group Policy Log.txt Windows Crypto DPAPI Log.txt Windows Crypto NCrypt Log.txt Windows DHCPv6 Log.txt Windows HKLM Registry -Corrupt Term Service Log.txt Windows Security Log.txt Windows System Log.txt Windows Enterprise Manager Admin Device Log.txt Windows Enterprise Manager Operational Device Log.txt Windows Manager Device Log.txt Windows Operational Device Log.txt
  5. I think I got it, doing my due diligence...you all do a great service. I see that there are options per process or app. My apologies if I am missing anything. Almost done with reinstall.
  6. Thank you so much, please stand by. My apologies for the delay. I attempted something earlier and had to reinstall Windows. Can you please provide guidance on how to compile log file for your review. I apologize in advance, only a bit tech saavy, but I am a fast learner and understand instruction provided. I truly appreciate your time and help. Stand by....online going forward On a tablet at the moment....
  7. Please let me know if you need me to screen shot or attempt to get a log of something. I apologize in advance for anything not sent in original post. Did not want to overwhelm with multiple uploads.
  8. When I tell you, I have done everything to remove whatever it is attacking my system...I have even become physically ill, knowing how much control whoever it is doing this, really as. I've even gone to law enforcement because the attacks are being done through nearby services & bluetooth settings, that go on by themselves even when disabled. I have a suspicion on who it is because of some weird wifi addresses appearing in our available network listing and two particular addresses have multiple points under the guise of being Spectrum routers. Like one of the individuals has 10 different addresses with the addresses switched up slightly. From what I am comprehending, whoever has control, is not only remote accessing my system, but has also embedded an OS program that even with numerous reinstalls, repairs, you name it, is under their complete control and not a "real" OS program down to all the applications and processes. I even have a fake cmd program and corrupted registry editor with none of the normal Hkey files. The files start from a svchost.exe file, but I've messed with those and the whole system will shut down if I clickthe wrong one. It won't even allow me to stop remote access, even I the control panel, as the options are whited out or unavailable. This got worse right after Christmas, they managed to also embed themselves in all our devices and phones. Even when replaced, router and all, they still gained access. Even with the internet not being connected. I am at wits end...I don't know what else to do and it's more about my kids, because they still have to use this stuff regardless because of school. Everytime I try something new, a new backdoor file pops up to counteract what I just did.... So yeah...that's small gist of it and I am just a Mom trying to keep her family safe, but this has gotten out of control and I just can't do it anymore. No one helps and I don't have the money to keep replacing things. But it's really malicious and even more scary if it's someone nearby and I don't know the end game. Because it's a lot of effort toward a family for what..... I appreciate the help, but I am truly physically and mentally broken down by this...
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