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Posts posted by Wonza

  1. Hello all,

    This is my second post and my problem is identical to what I experienced last time. For this I am sorry as it seems I've made the same mistake by visiting a harmful website.

    Malwarebytes Premium is currently the protection I am using for my system and it is popping off with messages telling a website has been blocked because of malware and a Trojan. This happens every minute similar to last time.

    I have attached images of the MB log.

    Attached is also the mbst-grab-results from the Malwarebytes Support-tool. I figured you would ask for these.

    I was hoping we could take another round at removing this as we did last time.






  2. Guten heute again @MKDB

    The ESET scan is completed and nothing was found.

    Seems like there is nothing harmful found on my PC anywhere. I am just wondering how the explore.exe is trying to connect with this strange IP. Since it says outbound I'm believing something is on my PC. Again I am a novice when it comes to this sort of work.

    I hope you can explain so I can calm down a little.

    ESET scan log.txt

  3. Hello all,

    This is my first post so please bear with me.

    Recently i formatted my Win10 PC due to constant bitcoin.miner activity 7, 23 etc alerts from Norton.

    After formatting I have been very attentive to which sites I visit and so on. Malwarebytes is currently the only protection I am using for my system.

    This evening (the day after formatting) I constantly see MB popping of with messages telling a website has been blocked because of malware and a Trojan. This happens every minute.

    I have attached images of the messages i get from MB and a log. I've also attached a report with more information.

    Would a kind soul spend some time trying to figure something out? I would appreciate that a lot.




    Snip 1.PNG

    Snip 2.PNG

    mb report.txt

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