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Everything posted by Dalibor

  1. Thanks, I completely understood what you said. However, the fact that other security vendors solve similar issues in a few hours still applies. Someone should contact VirusTotal or upgrade the service that he provides. This was a "false positive" report, next step is on Malwarebytes.
  2. And, please test the solution on older versions of ChromeDriver to avoid problems in the future: https://sites.google.com/chromium.org/driver/downloads (Especially ChromeDriver 101.0.4951.41 - it is live) Thank You, Dalibor
  3. In particular this file (current chromedriver and future): https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/102.0.5005.61/chromedriver_win32.zip https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/810458ea8da4958c2ef5870803552ec5667de57ed53a6023f5085bf42c11be77 Please solve it.
  4. Thank you for the quick response, Porthos. I think when Malwarebytes is the only one of all the security vendors on VirusTotal who detects this file as malicious all the time, there is something wrong and Malwarebytes itself should take steps to resolve this issue. All the other vendors solve similar issues themselves.
  5. OK, Porthos, but the file is false positive also on https://www.virustotal.com ( https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/df16aa50573f8f212bf37cad492903cddab482b803d78635984313e76fbadc01 ). Can Malwarebytes fix it? Thank You.
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