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  1. @Porthos It is not, videos are playing like normal. I haven't had it happen again, but when it did happen it was 10 blocks one after the other.
  2. While browsing Youtube I received several detections through browser guard of r1---sn-vgqsrnz6.googlevideo.com now being malware. I've seen one another post on the Malwarebytes subreddit about this from someone else. Anyone have any idea about what's going on?
  3. Good day everyone Today I've tried opening Malwarebytes to do a scan and no matter what I do, it won't open. I've tried running it as an admin, tried it in safe mode, it won't open. The program is running in the tray. I've run the Malwarebytes Supoort tool and have the logs it generated, but the file is over 1GB so I've uploaded it here. If anyone can be of any help I'd really appreciate it. Thanks for your time and effort.
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