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  1. JoeCahill


    My wife's iPhone just presented MB403105 on the iPhone app and on a single-device license purchased through the Apple store some time back.
  2. JoeCahill


    I just deleted the Privacy app, shutdown the phone, restarted the phone, disabled sharing of the Privacy subscription with Family, shutdown the phone, restarted the phone and reinstalled the app from the Apple app store. Still presents the error. Meagan, thank you. A support team member responded on the ticket. I'll continue the conversation there with them. Porthos, thank you for the suggestion, however the account I created when I purchased my laptop licenses (separate from the Apple App store single device license purchase) only shows the laptop licenses.
  3. JoeCahill


    Thanks Porthos for the ticket timeline insight. Dear Jason Todd Associate Director, Customer Support, The automated acknowledgement of the 1st ticket could have provided the insight that Porthos provided and set my expectations rather than leaving me to set my own expectations. The 'do you want to chat with an agent?' could also have set my expections with a 'do you want a virtual chat agent to help creating a support ticket?' and then I wouldn't have gone down that path. When I started that path I was expecting (I was left to set my own expectations again here) to eventually end up chatting with an live support agent, even when the virtual chat created the second ticket I was expecting to chat with a person in the contect of that second ticket. Jason, I was dissappointed when the chat engagement ended with simply creating another ticket. And lastly Jason, This support timeline is providing me with more than ample opportunity to research other VPNs for my iPhone.
  4. JoeCahill


    I just deleted the Privacy app, shutdown the phone, restarted the phone, disabled sharing of the Privacy subscription with Family, shutdown the phone, restarted the phone and reinstalled the app from the Apple app store. Still presents the error.
  5. JoeCahill


    This is information from Apple's subscription manager about my specific subscription and about the subscription mechanics in general.
  6. JoeCahill


    Through the App Store I purchased a single device subscription for Privacy on my iPhone. A few days ago, after an App update it presented this error (MB403104) and declared that all my allowed devices were in use. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app, I've updated to iOS15.4 and I've power cycled the phone all unsuccessfully. There are no hits on an internet search on MB403104 nor in a search of MalwareBytes support nor in a seach of these forums. I have a two day old ticket open, with no update since opening it. I tried the chat and that simply resulted in another ticket being opened, no actual assistance yet. I am hoping a forum user has encountered this and resolved it successfully. Thanks Joe
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