Hello Team, i am getting this error while logging into my account as you can see in the screenshot and it is not because of specific account i tried making new account through website and then tried logging in to software(windows) but still getting the same error, Please help me to resolve this as soon as possible.
How i am getting this error-
1) Logging into my account
2) or even if i tried entering my activation key which i got as a gift from a friend
What i have done as of now to fix it-
1) I have tried fixing it using mb-support software and also did cleaned installation & repair system using it.
2) I tried completely uninstalling and re-installing manually the Malwarebytes software.
3) In the end i waited for couple of hours thinking that maybe after fresh installation i should wait before re-trying but none of these methods work for me so please help me, I'm attaching my gather logs via mb-support but i also got an error while gathering logs i attached a screenshot of it as well.