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2 Neutral
  1. Reposting from a pruned thread I found via a Google search. (Thanks for directions, AdvancedSetup) While using browserguard, I was attempting to find a way to scan a bitly link, or at least find out where it lead, so that I could tell what the contents of a spam email actually lead to. Sure, it's not necessary to include such a feature , but I avoided leaving a review because of it. Preventing people from going to suspicious websites works well, but the shortened urls we have today may make people simply avoid clicking them at all and removing the aura of mystery around what may actually be harmless links can give users an added level of comfort. A feature to scan a link with a right click option may also help people who are scared of long links, like a google document link for instance, not freak out when their alert center in their minds are a-sounding. Wasn't sure where exactly on this forum to leave my comment so I apologize to the OP for possibly hijacking theirs.
  2. Just awhile ago, while using your browserguard, I was attempting to find a way to scan a bitly link, or at least find out where it lead, so that I could tell what the contents of a spam email actually linked to. Sure, it's not necessary to include such a feature when you already do so much to keep people that are simply clicking links safe, but I avoided a review because of it. Preventing people from going to suspicious websites works well, but the shortened urls we have today may make people simply avoid clicking them. I decided to come here and voice my opinion rather than making a less than 5 star rating on the store and leaving it at that.
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