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  1. I changed Settings > Network > Tunnel driver to Wintun (showed warnings) and it connected. I immediately switched back to the recommended MBTun and it reconnected normally with a new IP address. All good so far. Just FYI as something to try while waiting for a fix; I could not connect today on cold startup (old desktop, Win10). No issues for months. Usual prog close and re-open, etc, did not work. Privacy VPN has not disconnected, but I also have not shutdown or spent much time online with this Win10 desktop today. Another Win10 laptop has had no VPN issues in the same period and operating for hours. 🤪 I do not know why it worked, and again, just FYI.
  2. Yes, exactly! As the opening from the tray icon is weirdly slow (and must be closed each time), the context menu click would be much more convenient for frequent switching. Thanks!
  3. Simple time saver, the toolbar icon has a context menu for Pause, Disconnect, etc. Can there also be Update Server (to a new server in same city)? Same function as the update button after opening the icon, which is surprisingly delayed. It would also be grand is there was a momentary confirmation popup that it is Now Connected To: xxx.xxx... 😀
  4. Thank you for the reference. As I am apparently unable to solve my original MWB Privacy instability without updating Windows, the thread may as well be closed. I will certainly contact you if I manage to make headway, and we can try to address the original issue again. Thanks for all your help!
  5. Understood. If I can have another peek into the brain trust; I attempted to update with a .CAB file from Windows Update. It failed, saying file access or missing. The DISM log is below, in-case it would provide the missing or access issue. Can you read DISM logs for info? This may provide the answer or a clue for what is broken, perhaps. Thanks! dism.log
  6. Thanks. Am I at the end of the road? Suggested best method of Clean install to retain as much data and programs as possible? I cannot replace many of them. Notes: Browser icons are now missing on desktop Context menu options are missing Quick Access links are gone • Don't know what else yet. Is this normal after FixList? Other than warning of dangerous browser sites, and low-risk PUPs, MWB has not found anything in many years (last 4 Premium). Any clues to cause so I don't end-up here again? Thanks again for all your help!
  7. Update - FRST ran, but had an quick popup that Controlled Folder Access blocked something. I quickly clicked it and turned-off CFA, but do not know if it affected the run. I think maybe it said "AB….exe", but not sure. Perhaps the Fixlog will tell. FRST restart - it did not ruin startup as last time. 🎉 Fixlog.txt below. Fail - Windows Update now offered version 1909 instead of just 22H2, and I tried to install as a hopeful intermediary step. Fail. Oddly also, in that the prep before restart was normal, but the restart only went blue screen for moments, followed by a "regular" start. No messages of "installing" "unable to install" or "rolling back" or anything. Still at 1809. Questions - before I proceed, does the log tell anything useful? Should I try the FRST fix file again with CFA off, or try 1909 or 22H2, or what action? Thank you, yet again! Fixlog.txt
  8. Thank you. Life-crisis issues, but will do, and hope to run tonight. Thanks for hanging in with me.
  9. I am preparing to follow the last post instructions. I have not read or analyzed the fixlist, but curious why BitLocker is mentioned? I have carefully avoided BitLocker, and don't want to "disturb" it (horror stories), or else understand the relevance. I also saw EPM12.exe, which is a partitioning program I have successfully used in the past. I have no heartache about deleting it, but curious why. Any other highlights about actions in the fixlist are welcome. Thanks for your time!
  10. New FRST files as-requested. Also, I was instructed to remove CCleaner and Java. Are there better options than CCleaner to take out the trash? I need Java for a couple important programs, but it seems they still work, so that portion of Java was unnecessary I presume? I received a "Severe" PUP quarantine from a very old stored program in Win Defender. It is repeatedly asking for action, in-spite of taking action previously. Any insight from the logs or anything? Thanks for all your help, and however far it gets me! FRST.txt Addition.txt
  11. No joy following linked steps. It may have tried once (over 90%), but was interrupted by auto-updates also trying to update. 😒 Attempts since have been the usual fails. I would like to clean and stabilize what I have, before opting to upgrade by force. There are several programs I use that are no longer available to reinstall, so I'm avoiding that for now if possible. I will happily take the links, for if (er... when) I must take that path, and thank you. Are there any remaining steps (as previous FixList did not take properly), that I can use to gain best possible function currently? A new FixList or other cleaning procedures? Thanks again for all your help so far!
  12. I have tried all of those items in the past multiple times, but will try again in the current state and report back. Thank you
  13. Programs uninstalled (will need Java later for some work programs again). No joy on updates. Tried web fixes for error 0xc1900107, many attempts, but hits 87% installing and backs-out. Ready for next round.
  14. Good morning! OK, lots done and relatively stable, but … Did a fresh backup image to external drive. Resized the drive, allocating max space to C:. It went fine, but oddly the changes applied in PE said it was modifying drive H:. Confused by that. Still, all went well for that part. Seems to be running "OK" as before this thread started. Have not run MWB or MBPrivacy during any of this, or now. Win Defender will only run live; offline scan selected nothing happens. Win complained about the Recovery partition being low on space (?), it had been assigned a drive letter (?), so I applied a web "fix" to remove the drive letter. No more complaints from Win, but unsure it's working properly. Saved several restore points along the way. I can find them in the normal-running Restore system, but having issues getting a restart to Recovery to verify restore points are not then deleted as before. Attempted Windows Update multiple times without success, sometimes Win saying it couldn't complete and rolling back, and others just restarted like nothing happened. That is the general status. I am replying on the machine in-question. Attached are the usual files for review. Thanks! mbst-grab-results.zip Addition.txt FRST.txt
  15. No problem there, it's a 512GB that I partitioned smaller, and when it saved no restore points (I keep about 6 at-a-time), I made a fat allocation for it today, reducing space. Anyway, I'll resize it and do another image for safekeeping, and look forward to returning to the issues at-hand. I'm crossing my fingers it will restart, as it is also pushing 22H2 on me for the next restart (which failed previously).😅 Thanks! PS: I assume you will want a fresh set of logs when I'm done?
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