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Everything posted by wildman424

  1. Malwarebytes is great its one of the best but Malwarebytes is not an anti-virus its meant to be a supplement to your AV you still need an up to date AV
  2. :) Skynet I don't think I like the sound of that "I'll be back"
  3. I try to read everyone's post I don't comment on everything but I do read it
  4. Yea that's true Haider most of them do but its not always the P2P software they'll using's fault most of them don't know what there doing in the first place hence its there fault (the user) that they contracted the computer clap , out of all the users using this type of software how many of them know the difference between a media file and a file that contains executable code. An Improperly configured P2P client is always a security risk, trading files with an unknown source is a security risk look at it this way its like smoking four packs of cigarettes a day for forty years then turning around and suing the tobacco company when you get cancer when you knew thirty years ago that is was hazardous to your health edit:just to clarify that I mean the user can't blame the software for the users misconduct,Limewire has or had little control over the content being shared as for this copyright infringement thing this has been going on for years this is an excerpt from Limewire's End User License Agreement: so using the software for copyright infringmen is clearly a violation of it EULA Thats not what it was built or intended for. security risk aside you really have to ask yourself whats their alternate motive here GREED ? these record company's are still making billions of dollars are they really that greedy that they have to put Limewire out so they can make all the mony for themselves. The existence of P2P software and users sharing music for free may have dropped there revenue a bit but it isn't hurting there checkbooks that much. As with anything when something is created for one purpose theres going to be someone come along and find ways of using it to there own devious needs as the old saying goes "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch" This is my own personal opinion and in no way reflects the view of Malwarebytes Corp. it employees,affiliates,members or any other group or forum or any of there membership that I'm affiliated with
  5. Site Advisor has became a poor reference quite often there reports are incorrect, they don't seem to update it as much as it should be
  6. here's a new one one: hand-peeling treatment: 1: leek juice treatment of hand peeling; take a fresh leeks, washed and smashed into the mud, wrapped with gauze, wrung out the juice, add the right amount of red sugar, daily service time, usually four times a can be even more. 2: Governance refers to the palm cypress branches peeling: cypress leaves with fresh boiling water. Soak palm suffering, persist more than a month after the cure. 3: dark bean cooking crack healing hand peeling; to 70 g fire boiled black kidney beans, bean soup with food, twice daily consumption of five kilograms as a course. Warning on the side after a course of two weeks, a total of three hand-split after treatment to cure peeling disease. 4: suet governance \Open water hot bottle, so melting, then cooled, remove the sink water and impurities in the following, repeated twice, winter and spring use. Use this oil hands, feet, face, breaking the skin lesion can be cured.... :) then it goes on rambling about some thing else that don't make any sense yes they are
  7. enjoy your new product it will serve you well for a long time to come
  8. Thanks Shy thats something I'll definitely enjoy reading
  9. hey IDK you got it figured out there kiddo
  10. Absence of symptoms does not mean that everything is clear. you should follow noknojon's Instructions and have an Expert assist you please follow All the instructions directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. an Expert will assist you when one comes available
  11. need more specs wat model is it ect. ect. Logitech Keyboard service manual http://www.givemefile.net/smanuals/keyboards/logitech.html http://www.logitech.com/en-us/keyboards
  12. that's hilarious shy :) on a serious note: what's sad through is 99.9% percent of people don't actually read license agreements or grab the concept that it's a legally binding contract between you and the manufacturer of that software and therefor they don't have a clue of what there getting into when they click that " I Agree " button,as the cartoon is implying there could be just about anything in there and you are agreeing to it by accepting it, think of it this way you wouldn't sign any contracts with a bank or lender or otherwise without reviewing all of the terms to ensure your not getting screwed same thing here a license agreement is a digital contract and will hold up in court in almost all jurisdictions You Should Always READ these agreements in there entirety and if you don't agree to the Terms And Conditions Don't Accept It Cyber Security Tip ST05-005 - Reviewing End-User License Agreements http://www.us-cert.gov/cas/tips/ST05-005.html Dangerous Terms: A User's Guide to EULAs http://www.eff.org/wp/dangerous-terms-users-guide-eulas
  13. FunWebProducts is malware whats worst about these scumballs is the fact they target children with that garbage
  14. I think my canned registry speech would fit nicely into this thread I don't personally recommend the use of ANY registry cleaners. Here is an excerpt from a discussion on registry cleaners This post by Bill Castner is very informative: WhatTheTech Forum Registry cleaners are extremely powerful applications. There are a number of them available and some are more safe than others. Keep in mind that no two registry cleaners work entirely the same way. Each vendor uses different criteria as to what constitutes a "bad" entry. One cleaner may find entries on your system that will not cause a problem when removed, another may not find the same entries, and still another may want to remove entries required for a program to work. The Windows registry is a central repository (database) for storing configuration data, user settings and machine-dependent settings, and options for the operating system. It contains information and settings for all hardware, software, users, and preferences. Whenever a user makes changes to settings, file associations, system policies, or installed software, the changes are reflected and stored in this repository. The registry is a crucial component because it is where Windows "remembers" all this information, how it works together, how Windows boots the system and what files it uses when it does. The registry is also a vulnerable subsystem, in that relatively small changes done incorrectly, can render the system unbootable. The usefulness of cleaning the registry, has been highly overrated and can be dangerous. In most cases, using a cleaner to remove obsolete, invalid, and erroneous entries does not affect system performance and can result in "unpredictable results". Unless you have a particular problem that requires a registry edit to correct it, I would suggest you leave the registry alone. Using registry cleaning tools unnecessarily or incorrectly can have disastrous effects on your operating system such as preventing it from ever starting again. for use by those not familiar with the registry, the benefits to your computer are negligible while the potential risks are great. If you insist on using a registry cleaner, always back up your registry before making any changes. If your not familiar with working in the registry, then you should NOT attempt to make any changes on your own. Improper changes to the registry could adversely affect your computer and render it inoperable.
  15. crapware / scamware junk borderline rouge or considered a rogue my vote is crap its crapware/scamware
  16. what do mean by better exactly? protection? performance? both offer decent protection and thats whats most important when it comes to AV software, but both also have there share of problems too, I've used both at one time or another with no problems and then there have been other times where there were a ton of problems, there are many different factors to consider when choosing an AV so when people ask me about AV software recommendations I usually tell them its really up to user preference, give them a list of reliable vendors and encourage them to shop around try some trials out and find one that best suits there needs there are also quite a few AV's that are free and provide basic protection at no cost and in many cases do there job just as good if not better than most of the paid for AV's on the market
  17. Welcome To Malwarebytes some malware is hard to get rid of and requires special tools and knowledge Lets Have An Expert Check It Out please follow All the instructions below and an Expert will assist you Please print out, read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the Expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post. NOTE: Please DO NOT post back to (bump) your topic within the first 48 hours. Replying to your own posts changes the post count and helpers are looking for topics with zero replies. If you reply to your own post helpers may think that you're already being helped and thus overlook your post. If there is no reply from any experts after 48 hours, you can reply to the topic, asking for help again. Or You may send a Private Message to a Moderator asking for assistance. Additionally As a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org or via this help desk link Here - Our online experts will be able to assess your problem further If you're a Corporate or Technician Licensed customer seeking assistance: Please send an email to Corporate Support Team <corporate-support@malwarebytes.org> with your Cleverbridge order reference number and they will assist you.
  18. Modifying the registry is not recommended No there are no registry cleaners that are 100% safe I don't recommend the use of ANY registry cleaners. as they say if you don't have the knowledge to manually edit the registry you should just leave it alone Here is an excerpt from a discussion on registry cleaners This post by Bill Castner is very informative: WhatTheTech Forum Registry cleaners are extremely powerful applications. There are a number of them available and some are more safe than others. Keep in mind that no two registry cleaners work entirely the same way. Each vendor uses different criteria as to what constitutes a "bad" entry. One cleaner may find entries on your system that will not cause a problem when removed, another may not find the same entries, and still another may want to remove entries required for a program to work. The Windows registry is a central repository (database) for storing configuration data, user settings and machine-dependent settings, and options for the operating system. It contains information and settings for all hardware, software, users, and preferences. Whenever a user makes changes to settings, file associations, system policies, or installed software, the changes are reflected and stored in this repository. The registry is a crucial component because it is where Windows "remembers" all this information, how it works together, how Windows boots the system and what files it uses when it does. The registry is also a vulnerable subsystem, in that relatively small changes done incorrectly, can render the system unbootable. The usefulness of cleaning the registry, has been highly overrated and can be dangerous. In most cases, using a cleaner to remove obsolete, invalid, and erroneous entries does not affect system performance but it can result in "unpredictable results". Unless you have a particular problem that requires a registry edit to correct it, I would suggest you leave the registry alone. Using registry cleaning tools unnecessarily or incorrectly can have disastrous effects on your operating system such as preventing it from ever starting again. For routine use by those not familiar with the registry, the benefits to your computer are negligible while the potential risks are great. If your not familiar with working in the registry, then you should NOT attempt to make any changes on your own. Improper changes to the registry could adversely affect your computer and render it inoperable. just my 2 cents edit sorry sir we must have been posting at the same time
  19. I sent him to the HJT forum Its possible the problem is else where but lets have his computer checked out for an infection first as that is usually the culprit
  20. Lets Have An Expert Check It Out please follow All the instructions below and an Expert will assist you Please print out, read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the Expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post. NOTE: Please DO NOT post back to (bump) your topic within the first 48 hours. Replying to your own posts changes the post count and helpers are looking for topics with zero replies. If you reply to your own post helpers may think that you're already being helped and thus overlook your post. If there is no reply from any experts after 48 hours, you can reply to the topic, asking for help again. Or You may send a Private Message to a Moderator asking for assistance. Additionally As a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org or via this help desk link Here - Our online experts will be able to assess your problem further If you're a Corporate or Technician Licensed customer seeking assistance: Please send an email to Corporate Support Team <corporate-support@malwarebytes.org> with your Cleverbridge order reference number and they will assist you.
  21. PLEASE DO NOT POST MALICIOUS LIVE LINKS, If you must post it for some reason it should be a dead link or preferably in a code box
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