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Everything posted by wildman424

  1. Jim Morrison Receives Pardon It comes a day after what would have been The Doors frontman's 67th birthday
  2. That movie made me cry........now if you go n tell anybody that I'll kill you
  3. correction my friend 100% of them are scams. There is NO such thing as a "free" lottery
  4. its been flagged as a phishing scam did you read the link sho-dan provided you
  5. That free lotto is a scam [*]DON
  6. free vs. paid the debate goes on ........ Deja-vu anyone
  7. I was just getting ready to ask you guys if the collect information tool will be back in the 1.50 final release & will the command line for it be the same mbam /debug I think it was
  8. RootkitRevealer's output lists Registry and file system API discrepancies, RootkitRevealer compares the results of a system scan at the highest level with that at the lowest level. The highest level is the Windows API and the lowest level is the raw contents of a file system volume or Registry hive. Not all hidden components detected by ARKs are malicious. It is normal for a Firewall, some Anti-virus and Anti-malware software,sandboxes, virtual machines and Host based Intrusion Prevention Systems (HIPS) to hook into the OS kernal/SSDT in order to protect your system. SSDT (System Service Descriptor Table) is a table that stores addresses of functions that are used by Windows, Both Legitimate programs and rootkits can hook into and alter this table. For that reason you should always have these results checked by an Expert before taking any action on any of the items the scans find. Also be aware if you are using a CD Emulator (Daemon Tools, Alchohol 120%, Astroburn, AnyDVD, etc) that they use rootkit-like techniques to hide from other applications and may be detected as well. Sysinternals Suite is a great toolkit but it was designed mostly for IT Professionals
  9. Happy Thanksgiving everyone
  10. some buddys I worked with out on the carnival called me wildman cause I was usually getting into trouble usually with my big mouth :) and my Bday 424 =4/24
  11. Have a great Birthday buddy Happy Birhtday
  12. are you scanning the memory with your Av ? More than likely its a FP It is detecting the signatures Malwarebytes uses
  13. If your looking for a simple solution you can set and forget Microsoft Security Essentials http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/ add the necessary exclusions for Malwarebytes to Microsoft Security Essentials to solve any issues http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=181018
  14. Hey Buttons they still sell Vista but unfortunately for us MT our XPs' are no longer sold & trying to get any support help from Microsoft is becoming more of a pain they :) I went into a store and spent several hours playing with a Windows 7 looks like it take some getting used to
  15. my set up varies I change this quite often what always stays the same is Windows Defender, Spybot S & D and now Malwarebytes Pro my AV and firewall configurations change as I experiment with different setups I have to make a canned speech for the malware removal class & I don't like to recommend something I haven't tried myself
  16. Sysinternals makes a whois utility that runs out of the command line http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb897435.aspx
  17. I'll bring the beer Shy you bring the girls yardbird don't forget Bill's friutcake :) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation http://www.gatesfoundation.org
  18. I wish I could afford a Mac those things are outrageous $$$
  19. @name cool I put a tutorial for catching screen shots with MSPaint on these boards a while back see if you can find it
  20. hey guys, 1.50 is currently in beta 1.46 is still the latest stable release but it won't be too much longer till the final release of 1.50 see below for the Backwards Compatibility Policy this was in with the beta release announcement:
  21. wildman424


    I second that motion L00N3R, I thought you guys had a private room of your own guess not I agree Haider only get involved if your real sincere about joining the cause great caution must be exercised when harvesting a live malware sample,one slight mistake in your in for a real nightmare & a lot of headaches.
  22. to the troops THANK YOU & God Bless you All
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