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Posts posted by Mickey123

  1. Hello Mickey‍,

    Thank you for providing us the support tool reports.

    The blocks were mostly reported for below URLs

    "url" : "israel-apps.bumpyardpro.com"

    "url" : "apps.bumpyardpro.com"

    We have recently reported the website to our Research team and after verification, the blocked is removed.

    Give us a couple of hours to get the new database up, then please refer to our article
    'Manually update your database...' https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2657

    Please confirm for us if you are still receiving block notifications.

    Let us know whether or not this solves your issue or if you have any further questions.
    Hope this helps and thank you for choosing Malwarebytes!

    topic closed...

  2. Hi dear Ron,

    Thank you VERY MUCH!!!

    1.I do always backup everything on my WDpr4100 raid 5.

    2.why google chrome is not safe?

    3.leave the tread open until i get the response from my ticket at malwarebytes so future seach on google will help people with the solution?!

    4.I used noscript but it block every thing.

    5.What is the difference between adblock/adblock plus?

    Sincerely thank you,

    Mickey from Israel

  3. Hello to everyone,

    Each time i surf to different sites, i got malwarebytes premium to block the apps.bumpyardpro.com.

    I emailed the owner of apps.bumpyardpro.com and he said he will ask malwarebytes , but he never answers me anymore.

    Could someone tell me anything about apps.bumpyardpro.com?

    here's the malware log:


    -Log Details-
    Protection Event Date: 9/24/19
    Protection Event Time: 4:09 PM
    Log File: 82faddd6-decc-11e9-aa43-74d435e1bd17.json

    -Software Information-
    Components Version: 1.0.625
    Update Package Version: 1.0.12627
    License: Premium

    -System Information-
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
    CPU: x64
    File System: NTFS
    User: System

    -Blocked Website Details-
    Malicious Website: 1
    , , Blocked, [-1], [-1],0.0.0

    -Website Data-
    Category: PUP
    Domain: apps.bumpyardpro.com
    IP Address:
    Port: [50605]
    Type: Outbound
    File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe



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