I have been getting "Website blocked due to Trojan" notifications from Malwarebytes when I type a specific search into Google: gamlss. The websites blocked are basepush.com and newprofitcontrol.com.
I haven't got this notification from other Google searches or on other websites. I have previously accessed gamlss.com (the website I was searching for) and it does do unasked for redirects to newprofitcontrol.com.
I've used Avast Free, Malwarebytes, Hitmanpro and Adwcleaner on my computer to see if it is infected. I removed two things following the Hitmanpro scan:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Software.OneClickProcessLauncherMachine.1.0\ (BoxoreOU)
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Software.OneClickProcessLauncherMachine\ (BoxoreOU)
I've also reset Chrome and removed some recently installed software. The problem is still recurring, though. Note, it doesn't happen when I make the Google search using Microsoft Edge or Avast Secure Browser.
I'm wondering if my computer is actually infected, or whether Google is drawing data from gamlss (which I suspect it does to populate those information side panels) and so causing the pop-up.
Could anyone please advise?