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  1. This issue is now OK, problem gone. I think something happened when I did an MS update. Did a few reboots and I did scan the ADwcleaner. Here again: Could of been maybe something to do with the MBAM 5?. AdwCleaner[S02].txt
  2. I get a website blocked on almost everything I try and open. I know the websites are secure. I am not even able to open a site using one of my browsers (Brave). It seems like everything I try to open I get a popup that that site is blocked. What's happening?
  3. Seems all is back to normal as the icon is now back on the task bar after I unchecked the fast boot. Thank you for your help.
  4. I have found the power buttons screen but I am not able to uncheck the hibernate fast startup. Its like greyed out with the other settings.
  5. I can do that but when I try to open settings, it won't open for some unknown reason. So Ican get to the buttons.
  6. Where to I find hibernate to turn it off the fast start?
  7. How do I get the icon to show on task bar? Suddenly stopped showing.
  8. Did that. On 4.5.14 After that so far have not had any popups. Keep my fingers crossed. I don't know what the "200" is on your other post RE: version.
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