Computer being accessed/controlled.
I got some malware in my pc that Activates on certain conditions (It keeps coming back) I have rest now for third time. The first time Malwarebytes got it(In my google chrome sync data) and I thought Oh goody, its over. Nope, I was too slow to react and it got my email and most of what was attached to that, After that I did something I could not narrow down(yet) and ended up getting it back. So I did some googling and found that it could travel through the sync. I then spent the next few days getting my password back(My phone was acting funny, I called my phones support and it turned out to be a network something because they told me to do a network reset and my phone got messages again)The third time I reset after seeing that is pretty much every time thing to do. I reset again while clearing out sync data on phone. Then signed in, on the newly reset pc and everything was good. This is when I get a little angry. THe same thing as when I first discovered the problem was happening in Warframe again. I first discovered I was infected during a game of warframe my frame(character) started crouching and sliding and moving forward(Shift+Ctrl+wasd=slide move.) After I exit warframe and everything is quiet for little bit until I actually did something like type before I could my pc would input wasxs/, D, and S. And the mouse would move on its own(This also happened in game) along with the menu popping up. This is getting annoying and I submit from my "Self Troublshooting") Also to note is that while the attacks were active After the FIRST initial Malwarebytes detection nothing has ever detected anything afterwards even if I watching my own mouse move around my screen. I used in separate (AVG, Malwarebytes, Rkill, and Norton.) NOTHING found it. While actvive and while safe mode stopped it, nothing detected anything either.