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  1. This resolved it for me, thank you. I had tried clearing my cache/cookies and other browser data, but that did not help. It must have been some other file or setting stored in those folders that was the problem. Thanks!
  2. Unfortunately I think it's a bit more diverse than that. if we're referring to the same thing here. AREA is used for image maps, and I haven't seen one of those in ages, much less clicked on one. This is happening even when I type an address directly into Chrome's URL bar. I'm also seeing it pop up on every site I go to, regardless of domain. Of the ones you mention, I've seen the issue on LinkedIn, Tumblr, NY Times, Forbes, Reuters, Google, Youtube, and Wikipedia. I haven't been to any of the others. You've been seeing logs of this for ten months now? Wow. Very weird that it hasn't come up, I can't find much info at all.
  3. Started happening to me as well today. It's an outgoing Chrome process that's been associated with quite a few IPs and ports. It happens every time I open a Chrome tab. A scan says I'm clean. I tried disabling all my extensions and it stopped. I re-enabled them and it didn't start again at that point. It did, however, start happening again within a few hours. I get the feeling this is just a Chrome update server being protected by Cloudflare's DDoS service, but I'd like to be sure, since it's being flagged.
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