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  1. Hello. I am an enthusiastic user of Malwarebytes 3 Premium and posted a while ago in this forum, asking what I will ask again today, but the answers I got back then did not suit me. I would like to know if it is safe to keep only Malwarebytes 3 Premium as protection for Windows. I thank those who can answer this question and I ask you to justify the answer, if you can. Oh, and one more question: is Malwarebytes ready to protect against cryptocoin miners? Forgive me for possible errors in this message, because my native language is not English. Thank you!
  2. Hello. I would like to know if it is really safe to replace antivirus with Malwarebytes 3. I've been using Malwarebytes for almost a year and it pleases me a lot. It is lightweight, scans files at an impressive speed, has a modern look and looks very effective in detecting and removing malware. I currently use it in version 3.3 along with Heimdal Pro and Cybereason RansomFree, but some people have told me that such a combination is not enough because there is a need for a traditional antivirus. I thank you if you can help me clear this doubt. And congratulations on the excellent work. Malwarebytes is 10. I apologize for any possible errors. This is an automatic translation. I'm from Brazil, I do not know how to speak English.
  3. Hello. I use Malwarebytes 3.3 beta and I want to use Sophos Home Premium along with it. The problem is that Sophos has an anti-exploit module as well. I would like to know if there will be any incompatibility if I use both with the anti-exploit module enabled. I apologize, because this is an automatic translation. I'm from Brazil and I do not speak English. Thanks if you guys can help me.
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