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Posts posted by Esetisthebest

  1. I wondered what this was, so I looked it up on the internet. It was adware(It's not a fake antivirus, even though it opens 2 suspicious windows). It's supposed to be a fake registry cleaner, logically it open 2 new windows.

    And by the way, I uploaded the file that I couldn't delete on virustotal, only McAfee detected it as "Heuristic.BehavesLike.Win32.Virus.J". I guess it has been installed some other crap on my pc.

    Lastly, I have Threatfire on my computer. I accepted the warning it gave me by installing the program. So basically, I'm a fool. I have never ever had any infection on my computer before. "Safety first" is something I priority very high. I'm usually a person who knows lot about malware, but this time I screwed up.

    Oh, 1 last thing, lol. I deleted my log after the scan which found 32 malicious files. I also deleted the log... There's not a chance to send you the log file.

  2. Ok, I got infected with this. I somehow "spam-clicked" 'accept' during an installation, which made me accept that this crap got on my computer.

    The MBAM Real Time detected it in the firstplace, but I was so stupid.. Gosh. I ignored it due to the thoughts of it might have been a false-positiv to the program I installed. After a while, my antivirus program detected it, but didn't manage to delete the whole thing.

    Neither did MBAM. Has to be said that I ran MBAM full scan, and it detected around 32 malicious files. I thought it detected everything, because the process got closed, etc. but now, 10 days after I got infected, it popped up like a fake antivirus.

    I tried to look up where it was located, but I only found some .tmp files. I deleted all of them, but there were 1 tmp file I couldn't delete, so I used FileASSASIN. It deleted the file successfully, and I restarted my computer. I tried to uninstall the program, but I couldn't do it. I checked the taskmanager, and there was a file called "_i..." and below and description said "SETUP/UNINSTALL" or something like that. However, the process doesn't allow me to uninstall the program.

    I need help!



    (Sorry for the bad explanation/english, wrote it in a hurry)

  3. It's been a while, but it's still chances of getting millions of money here! They've done something criminal, and I can't see why you guys doesn't try to get money of it? You guys could get better facilities, much more money, and you guys can do everything you want with the money. Call it "free money" ! :)

  4. Just 1 thing I have to say to the Malwarebytes' team:

    Do not take it easy for the upcoming years. You know like Norton, they were dominant. It was the best security product/antivirus software available some year back, but then they started to take it easy, and said like "Yay, we've made some billions of cash, now we can take it easy!". Please, don't do this mistake. You guys are on the top, and you shall develop and work as you were the 2nd best antispyware program. I feel really bad for you guys if you guys do like Norton or McAfee! Have a good day!!



  5. Hello. My title says everything. I have trouble with disabling the IP-protecting. I try to right-click on MBAM and then disable it by clicking on "Ip protection". I'm using Windows 7 64-bit. I have to press it several times before it disable itselfs. I haven't messed up anything in options(tho I cannot change anything in terms of the IP protection). Is this just a minor bug that Malwarebytes has in Windows 7, and will it come several Windows 7 bug fixes in the near future? Anyway, please help me.



  6. Quick scans can take anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes depending on your operating system and number of files.

    Your old computer did it have the same operating system as your new computer?

    Not at all. My old PC had XP Home 32-bit, I'm using Windows 7 64-bit on my new pc. :)

    I only have around 80K files on my computer(as MBAM scanned), so now I realize that it's normal! Thanks a lot guys for helpfull answers!

  7. I built a brand new PC. On my old PC, the quick scan took about 7-8 minutes. Now it's taking 1min and 30 sec. I have a very good pc, but is this normal? During the scan, it jumps from for example 12000 till 30000 on like 1 second. Is this normal? Or has I messed up with some settings(which I haven't)?

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