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Everything posted by Massimiliano

  1. The release of both will be the TOP but already having Browser Guard for Safari will be fantastic (especially for those like me who only use Safari) THANK YOU VERY MUCH
  2. In my opinion it is not a significant issue as at the moment, perhaps because the Mac is new, it does not seem to have a particular impact on the battery charge. Its presence, when there is, is independent of the type of power supply, however. My repeated reports are mostly due to the fact that it had never happened in many years and therefore I thought it could be a problem and not for the possible impact on the battery. In fact, it has not happened to me yet, even with a use of several hours, to drain the battery too much. (I assume for the optimization between CPU M1 and Big Sur that, even with demanding tasks such as high resolution HandBrake conversion of a video of almost 3 hours, it didn't overheat in the slightest. The MacBook Air, which is fanless, was barely warm at the end). I don't know what you mean, but I hope it's web protection (hope, they say, is the last to die). Meanwhile, on your advice, I bought 1Blocker
  3. It installed itself automatically last night. The anomalous consumption of Malwarebytes Protection remains in the battery icon menu but has definitely lowered within the activity monitoring, going from about 6 to about 2 in the 12h column The% CPU of RTProtectionDaemon was also lowered As I wrote several times in previous posts, abnormal consumption in the battery menu has always been present for Safari, and continues to be, and in recent months (from BigSur onwards) for Malwarebytes (practically no other app has ever been reported except in very rare cases in 8 years of macOS for me) Probably it is a Big Sur bug but this can only be understood by you together with Apple The problem does not occur, and has never occurred, on my Father's old Mac (13 "Mid 2012) updated to the latest Catalina update. I only noticed it on my native Big Sur M1 model. IT IS NO LONGER PRESENT IN A CONTINUOUS WAY
  4. @Omoeba I can only think, not being a developer, that it is a problem related to your HW / SW configuration, and maybe of some other user (but it is not said) In the summer of 2019 a problem had happened to me, and very few other users, with the 3.9 update of Malwarebytes for Mac (in that specific case the problem occurred when the Mac was restarted) and the developers, carrying out remote tests on the my Mac, they fixed it in a few days. Even now I thank them for the effort they put into it. Your case may therefore be similar. I hope I was helpful Good day Massimiliano
  5. In my case, both the point under the icon and the open app are practically always immediate. The app rarely dances two / three seconds (not like before it even danced 15/20 seconds several times a month), but this seems to be due to the fact, as @alvarnell wrote to me in this discussion, in Big Sur that every now and then it carries out an anti-malware check (the slowdown occurs only more very rarely with the heavier app, in my specific Word and Excel)
  6. I can definitely tell you that your site is not being blocked by Malwarebytes for Mac as, at least at the moment, it has no web-related features. It can be blocked, within this company, only by the versions for Windows, Android, iOS or by the free Malwarebytes Browser Guard extension available for Firefox and Chromium based browsers which all have web protection functions. It would be important to attach a lock screen from you and understand which product is blocking it. However, I ask @AdvancedSetup to move the request to the subforum Website Blocking - False Positive Thanks
  7. @treed I am now able to say, at least as far as I'm concerned, that the problem of the Apps, whose icon danced at startup for several seconds, has been solved with the latest version. For several days it has not occurred anymore whereas before it happened very often (not all the times but almost) No longer any app has given the problem, not even those of Office which are notoriously among the most complex, at least among those installed on my Mac. Only the problem of energy consumption remains. I am sure that sooner or later you will be able to deal with it. Thanks for everything Have a nice weekend Massimiliano
  8. Read this post explaining how Malwarebytes scanning for macOS works
  9. UPDATE ON MY PERSONAL SITUATION WITH MALWAREBYTES AND CPU M1 (FOR @treed and all staff) I have been keeping an eye on the situation since Friday, when the Universal beta was released. It is not yet a very long time but I can say that it seems that the problem of apps bouncing on startup, which, at least for me, happened, even if not always, often enough, can almost certainly be defined as solved. I reserve the right to keep an eye on the situation for a little while longer. There remains the problem of energy consumption (apart from the battery icon menu where @treed said, in a previous post, to be unreliable) where in Activity monitoring it gives me these values regarding the 12h power column Safari 14.08 Malwarebytes 4.98 protection (value tends to increase - as of writing this post it went up from 4.86 to 4.98) Microsoft Word 1.46 and to follow all under the value 1 On the energy impact column, on the other hand, Malwarebytes has an almost zero impact
  10. Personally, on MacBook Air M1, during a scan, which in my case lasts, when really long, from 10 to 20 seconds, but normally only a couple of seconds RTProtectionDaemon reaches a maximum of 37.1% with HIGH setting
  11. Regarding the icons that dance for a long time at the launch of the applications try to read this discussion between me and @alvarnell because in his answers there could be an explanation (although still to be confirmed by @treed)
  12. Installed now Performed some tests (Manual Scan, Mac Reboot and Manual Scan again) and for the moment no problem (except the usual High Energy Consumption of MALWAREBYTES PROTECTION in the battery icon menu, it does not seem too low even in activity monitoring being in second place after Safari, it didn't happen on Catalina) We will see in the next few days, in case I will update the post.
  13. I misunderstood. I thought you meant there was no specific reference but only an indication of 30 days. In my case, as I wrote, some apps even get only 1 biennial update. And that was why I didn't understand these frequent checks (even 15/20 times a month) as long as those icon bounces refer to these checks that didn't happen until I had Catalina on the old Mac and I found myself with Big Sur on M1 (having read about another user, here on the forum, that he had solved by deactivating the Malwatebytes RTP, an action that I categorically exclude)
  14. At least in my case, it indicates exactly the days since installation (see screenshot) and not just within the last 30 days
  15. In reality, they are rarely done automatically before I find them with update button and do it manually. As I've already written, the same goes for non-Mac AppStore apps. The problem of the dancing icon (not two / three times but even twenty) also happens 20 times / month / app (especially if little used) In reality, having only, in addition to the 9 mentioned above, 13 applications excluding the system ones, I do it quite quickly and in addition I check all the updates in the worst case every two days (both on the store and on the developer sites). Some apps have been in need of updating for years (except lately they have released the M1 version) I'm used to keeping only the apps I use installed and I try to use as little as possible Consider that between System, App and Personal Files on my Mac are occupied less than 39 GB
  16. The apps of the Mac AppStore, when they update are seen in the Updates tab. As for the other apps (which however are very few on my Mac) they are apps that receive very few updates (in some cases less than one a year). I am sure of it because, despite having automatic updates, often, even before these occur at the launch of the app, I have already found them on the site before they are proposed to me In the end there are 9 in all including Malwarebytes (not Mac AppStore and not supplied as standard with macOS)
  17. I reiterated the origin of Office because I thought that the Mac AppStore apps were only verified at the beginning (being provided by Apple even if as a reseller and not a developer) and then only after an update Yes, I have the automatic updates on Mac AppStore setting (as well as on the system setting and all the other app setting) and, at least as regards office, the update normally takes place once a month with Patch Tuesday (or in the days immediately following)
  18. Thanks @alvarnell for the reply. But, as I wrote, Word and Excel are the 365 version of the Mac AppStore and not downloaded from the Microsoft site. I don't have any Adobe or other heavy software in general This happens with almost all apps (not always but often enough especially if I don't open the apps for one / two days) whether they are taken from sites or from the Mac AppStore (even the iOS ones that can be used on Mac M1) excluding only ( if not very rarely) those of the system (e.g. Mail, Messages) As I wrote it does not happen only when the apps are updated (and I would understand it) and as regards changes made by Malware, since I have a Mac, Malwarebytes has never reported anything to me (it has only once blocked two Mac AppStore apps with advent of the App block function that were from SysTweak)
  19. Happy Saturday to @treed and all the staff I wanted to ask for information about a situation that has occurred since I have the MAC M1 and BigSur (always the latest version) and Malwarebytes (always updated, I always try the betas too) The various apps that I have installed on the Mac (including MS Word & MS Excel - both downloaded from the Mac AppStore) every now and then, especially when they haven't been opened for some time (not necessarily a long time interval) become extremely slow on opening (with the icon bouncing for several seconds) as if they were scanned before use (it does not happen only after an update) and above all it practically never happens (if not very rarely) with system apps (for example Mail , Messages). I read, some time ago here on the forum, about someone with a similar problem, even if it seems to be constant, which they solved by disabling the real-time protection of Malwarebytes (which I don't want to do). My equipment is a MacBook Air M1 (with 16 GB of unified memory), BigSur (last version) and Malwarebytes (set to High as CPU usage - in case it scans the apps frequently, even those that have been present for a long time, I believe that lowering the CPU setting could make things worse, at least in my case) If I need to collect logs, don't hesitate to ask me Waiting for your clarifications on this matter, I wish everyone a Happy Weekend Massimiliano
  20. I would like to report to @treed and all the staff After the last two macOS updates (11.3 and 11.3.1) Malwarebytes it has, as it were, deactivated. The first time (macOS 11.3) I reinstalled Malwarebytes (I had read it was necessary) and it fixed Reading a comment from @treed (last time) with macOS 11.3.1 it was enough to follow the advice to restart the Mac. Symptoms: Malwarebytes menu (completely disabled excluding the Open Malwarebytes item) with prohibition sign on M By clicking on open Malwarebytes, the attached screen appears This has never happened with the macOS BigSur versions I had from purchase (mid-February 2021) up to version 11.3 It all happens with MacBook Air M1 (7 core GPU), 16GB unified memory, 256 SSD I await news about it Thanks Massimiliano
  21. Download and install Malwarebytes for Mac Inside this article there is the link for the version compatible with macOS 10.11.x
  22. MacOS 11.3 installed now (final version released today) Malwarebytes no longer functional. The following screen appeared (it had already happened a few times but it was enough to close and reopen the app) with a prohibition signal on the M of the menu bar to fix it was necessary to reinstall the Malwarebytes app on itself.
  23. Unlike the Windows version, the macOS version does not yet have web protection (it seems to be planned for the future but it is not known when)
  24. Unfortunately, I was also in the same situation. You can only delete Malwarebytes and if there is a new beta and you will be included among the testers or it will be published on the AppStore of your country you will be able to have the app otherwise not. At the moment I have solved it using the Safari protection functions and will purchase (at the end of the trial period) 1blocker (excellent ad-blocker, recommended by @treed , and more - available with a single in-app purchase or subscription that can be shared among all Apple devices and even in the family) and for the use I make of the internet with iOS it's okay (Malwarebytes beta has never blocked me, in three years, a website)
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