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Everything posted by exile360

  1. Greetings, I don't like da virus either (heh heh). Anyways, if you're looking for a good AV to go with MBAM, I recommend Avira (free), and if you are going to use a paid AV, I'd recommend Kaspersky or NOD32. As far as why MBAM doesn't detect a virus or executable when it's downloaded instead of when it's executed is because in realtime MBAM isn't a file scanner, as nosirrah stated, it looks for threats that are active on your system. If it did scan all files as they were downloaded, it would probably slow a system considerably as this is exactly how %99 of anti-viruses work in realtime, they scan files as they are downloaded, on execution and on access, so having 2 programs do that at once could create conflicts between the 2 as well as seriously slow system performance. In addition to an AV and MBAM, I also recommend using a hosts file to block malicious sites. You can use one like HPHosts or just use a tool like HostsMan. I also recommend installing Spybot Search & Destroy and using it's immunize feature as well as SpywareBlaster as they don't run in the background and will block bad sites and downloads passively by using your hosts file and restricted zones in IE and FireFox. As for a firewall, Comodo is excellent and if you're on Vista, Vista Firewall Control by Sphinx Software is good and light on resources. But of course, your best protection is your mind. Practice safe browsing habits and don't download warez or other files illegally using filesharing programs etc. And avoid sites like Facebook and Myspace as they are often compromised.
  2. If the computer isn't functional enough to follow the above steps, please let me know and I'll help you get it to the point where you can.
  3. Greetings and welcome to the forum. To get you fixed up please read the instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post your logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  4. Hello again Sugar fi, no worries, the batch file won't hurt your system. You have a couple of replies with further instructions in the other thread you started. Please check it and see if the instructions help, thanks.
  5. Hello again, sorry that didn't get if for you. Please try to download and install the Microsoft VB6 Runtime Components from here to see if it helps: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en If not, please let me know.
  6. Merry Christmas dude and Happy Few Beers (or have a few beers!) just don't drink and drive, drinking should only be done at red lights and stop signs.
  7. It looks like Avira doesn't like you (just kidding). Once you download the .exe of the Avira rescue system, run it and it will ask for a writable cd, instead of burning it there and then, just click exit after running it. It will offer to let you save it as an iso to burn with another application, save it to your desktop as Avira and use Nero (or whatever burning application is the default on the PC you're using) to burn it to disc. If it is Nero, then you should simply need to double click the .iso file and Nero should open and allow you to burn it to disc and it will automatically be made bootable. If you have any more questions or trouble please let me know.
  8. Hello again, that's unfortunate. I think this may have something to do with an issue that the developers have been investigating. If you wouldn't mind, please follow the instructions in the first post here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8095 then post to that same topic with the error you're receiving and the results of following those steps. It may help them get things sorted out. If you have any more questions let me know. Thanks.
  9. I had McAfee up to version 10, but as soon as 11 came out and my system became incredibly sluggish due to it eating so much ram and cpu cycles, I switched to Kaspersky, and I'm glad I did, after installing it it found like 3 trojans McAfee had missed. As far as free antivirus goes, I like Avira a lot and usually recommend it to my friends and family if they aren't willing to pay for Kaspersky or NOD32.
  10. By default, the Windows Installer service doesn't run in safe mode so uninstalling that way would not be possible (at least without modifying a setting in the registry to allow it).
  11. Greetings and welcome. Please give this a try, go to start and click Run and type cmd and press enter, once the command prompt window appears, please type each line exactly as written, pressing enter after each line: netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt ipconfig /renew Let me know if it helps, if not we'll try something else.
  12. You definately need at least an anti-virus along with MBAM (I usually recommend Avira if going for a freebie, or Kaspersky or NOD32 if paying), as MBAM is not an anti-virus, but is designed to detect the threats that most anti-virus programs miss. An internet security suite isn't a bad idea either, as it gives you a software firewall which is always a good layer of protection to have.
  13. Interesting, I wasn't aware of anything conflicting with MBAM, thanks for the info GT.
  14. Hi guys, to answer your question, please review my post here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...ost&p=40573 It explains it pretty well. If you need anything else let me know. Good luck and safe surfing. edit: Oh yeah, and as far as other realtime antispyware/antimalware apps go, I don't know of any that conflict with MBAM (including all those you listed VHT).
  15. exile360


    That's very true Mad Dog, most of them just come here for help (this forum's pretty good for that), then they bail, leaving the forum feeling cheap and used, like a sock lost in the dryer never to be found again.
  16. exile360


    Greetings trouttrout, and welcome. I'm glad you're lurving it (heh heh) and no worries about exposing your ugly mug around here, I've got a face not even a mother could love, a platypus maybe, but not a mother.
  17. Greetings, you can use Autoruns by Microsoft Sysinternals: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb963902.aspx Just be sure you know what you're disabling. What you're looking for will probably be in the Logon tab in Autoruns.
  18. Greetings, and welcome. Please try uninstalling the program, rebooting, then reinstalling. Update it and see if it works. Post back to let me know how it goes, thanks.
  19. Greetings and welcome, this post should have the info you need to get it to install: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7377 I hope it helps, if not, post back and let me know.
  20. Hello IT Expert. Unfortunately you can't edit posts until you've reached 50 posts, the mods implemented this to prevent spam and editing of HijackThis logs in the help forum. As far as the keys go, each license for Malwarebytes' is lifetime, no renewal fees or subscription fees, so no worries about activation times. And as far as logos goes, please refer to the zip file attached to this post by Rubber Ducky: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...ost&p=31259 And as far as a link, I would PM one of the mods like Rubber Ducky or Nosirrah about that and they should provide you with one so customers can purchase it direct from your site giving you your payment as a reseller.
  21. Greetings KenW. To start I would recommend uploading them here to get them checked: http://virusscan.jotti.org/ I haven't seen them before and I found nothing on google about them so they could either be some new form of malware or they could be benign files left from a program installation, but uploading them there should help you to determine that. Please post back and let us know what the scan finds.
  22. No worries about butting in, and I'm sure the developers appreciate you recommending the software.
  23. Yeah, no worries, Jintan's a pro, just follow the steps Jintan gives you in the HijackThis forum and your system will get cleaned up.
  24. Unfortunately I don't believe there's a way to make it not show the installation process, the /SP- /SILENT /NOCANCEL is the closest I've ever seen as well. It uses an INNO SETUP installation package I believe, so if there's a way to do it, that's where to look.
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