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Everything posted by exile360

  1. Greetings and welcome. Please follow AdvancedSetup's instructions here to see if it is helpful in getting MBAM to run: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...amp;#entry35969 After that, please follow the instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post your logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  2. Greetings FatCat. It sounds like it's throwing up false alarms. To be specific though, bots are basically just trojans, which are within the realm of what Malwarebytes picks up. They are trojans that serve a specific function (controlling your computer remotely to make it part of a botnet). It sounds like there's an issue with the software though because if it starts throwing the alarms suddenly then you uninstall and reinstall and it sees nothing, there's got to be something up. If you want a second opinion on bots specifically, I believe Norton has a free trial of their antibot software, but if you want an expert opinion, my recommendation would be to follow the instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post your logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 One of the experts here will have a look at what's going on with your system and tell you for certain if you have an infection or not (bot or otherwise). Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  3. Yeah, it's a good AV. By the way, if you want a bit more protection you could consider adding Spybot Search and Destroy (jus use the immunize function, not TeaTimer) and Spywareblaster, they block bad activex and bad websites and you could also use a good hosts file (I'm using a program called HostsMan, it works great). Really, though you probably won't need it as all 3 of the apps you've chosen update very frequently and have excellent detection rates, even against many 0 day infections.
  4. Yeah, Kaspersky says the same thing. My system is running proof (and has been for 2 years) that they are incorrect, they are just afraid of trying to support you if some unforeseen conflict does arise. But fear not, if you have an issue we'll help you out, at the very least to determine the exact cause.
  5. You know, I've noticed the same thing, but I think it's either because the defs file was created last night, then tested and released today or because of different time zones.
  6. Sounds like a plan, and no worries, if you do discover a conflict or issue, however unlikely, there's great support here on our forum and on the Comodo forum and I haven't been there myself, but I hear good things about Avira's support as well. Not only that, but the developers are on here all the time and if an issue arises for a user that can't be resolved with a simple fix, then they are more than willing to provide a refund (though I doubt you'll want one). Good luck and safe surfing my friend.
  7. If one tries to infect you and all three hit on it it will most likely go like this: Avira will detect it first because it is the one that scans files and downloads and is hooked into your network connection to scan actual web traffic. It will kill it off before the others even see it. If Avira misses it and the malware gets in and is in memory either MBAM will hit on it first or Boclean will (I'm not sure which), but lets say they both hit it at once, both have an option to ignore the detection, so you would ignore it with one, then kill it with the other. This is another unlikely scenario based on the way Boclean works because, even though it's resident protection may be running, it's not constantly monitoring all processes in memory, it does quick memory scans of processes every 10 seconds, so most likely MBAM or Avira would hit on it first. The reason Boclean works this way is because it is designed to be a backup in case your AV or AS softwares miss something, kind of a last line of defense (similar to relying on a firewall to block a trojan or keylogger's activities should they slip past your AV). edit: sorry, got caught up answering the first question and neglected the second one, you only need to add MBAM's components that run in memory to Boclean's trusted list and the same goes for the processes related to Avira. You can use the task manager to determine what they are (and with Vista, you can right click on a process to open the file location which comes in very handy to identify where it is).
  8. No, MBAM and Boclean ARE really compatible with each other, adding realtime security program's processes to another's trusted list is simply a good guideline and standard practice. I have all my security apps in my whitelist for Kaspersky Anti-Virus (my AV) and for Comodo Boclean to prevent any unforseen issues that might occur (I've never seen any issues, but better safe than sorry). Avira works fine with MBAM, in fact many users that frequent this forum use those 2 together and Avira is often recommended by mods and experts here because it's free and has good detection rates. Running SAS (SUPERAntiSpyware) in realtime with MBAM would be redundant because they typically target the same infection types (rogues, trojans, rootkits, vundo etc), but I've even seen users successfully running the two of them in tandem (realtime turned on for both) and they didn't have issues either. What it comes down to is finding the combination you're comfortable with that works on your system. I've seen some antivirus softwares cause bluescreens because they were incompatible with a user's sound card drivers, so again, it's all about what you have. The point is, I've seen the combinations you mentioned (all of them) several times on several systems and the users who had them had no problems with running them together.
  9. Greetings and welcome to the forum. To get you fixed up please follow the instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post your logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  10. I've heard from other users who have both running in realtime and they've said it works fine. Boclean works with darn near everything because of the way it works (all it does is run a quick check of processes running in memory every ten seconds to see if any are malicious). To make sure you have no conflicts, Boclean has an "excluder" that lets you add programs to a trusted zone so they don't get scanned. Add all the active components of Avira as well as MBAM's protection component and you should be fine.
  11. The wait time varies and all the experts who assist do so on a volunteer basis, you factor that in with the fact that it's the holidays and many/most of them are probably spending times off the PC and with their families, plus the fact that malware is more prevalent this time of year due to online shopping etc and it could be a while, but don't worry someone will respond to help. Please just be patient with us, thanks. Also, in the meantime (if you haven't already done so), please try updating again and do a quick scan to see if it's able to knock it out for you, although even if it does, I would still wait an a response in our hijackthis forum.
  12. To be on the safe side, instead of just removing it please follow the instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post your logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 This process will allow an expert to analyze what's going on and if it is in fact related to an infection. Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  13. Greetings and welcome to the forum. To get you fixed up please read the instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post your logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  14. Greetings, I'm not a moderator or one of the developers, but I am a very experienced user (especially when it comes to running multiple security programs on a single system). Malwarebytes' and most programs like it (you would typically classify these as "antispyware" although they detect much more these days than just spyware alone) are designed to run alongside an active antivirus software without causing conflicts. This is due to the fact that they are not antivirus programs and will do nothing against a run of the mill virus, in fact, Malwarebytes' is designed to specifically detect threats that your average antivirus program would miss, that's why it's so valuable to have such a program in addition to an antivirus. You can see from my signature that I use several programs with realtime protection because I believe in a layered approach to security and I won't put my faith in any one product to stop every single virus/spyware/trojan/exploit out there on any given day because there's just too much of it so it isn't possible. I don't run Malwarebytes' in realtime (yet) simply because it's currently not compatible with 64bit Windows, which is what I use. But once it is, you can bet I'll have it running, although at that point I will probably disable the protection component in SUPERAntiSpyware because the 2 of them may conflict (not sure, haven't tested yet). Everything else will probably remain as it is, perhaps with the exception of TeaTimer as I've heard a few say it was incompatible with Malwarebytes' in realtime mode.
  15. Greetings and welcome to the forum. To get you fixed up please read the instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post your logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  16. Nope, but they are using publicly available logos for advertising Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and they seem to link to a legit selling site for Malwarebytes' licenses. Perhaps one of the mods could jump in here to clarify, but I don't see any direct affiliation, but also don't see anything malicious.
  17. Greetings and welcome to the forum. To get you fixed up please read the instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post your logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 The logs need to go in that area to make sure you get help from the proper people (the experts in malware removal). Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  18. Hello Insomniac, you could give the ShockWave uninstaller a try, it's official from adobe: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/shock...uninstaller.exe
  19. Greetings Kay, To get you fixed up please read the instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post your logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  20. If a threat is detected in realtime with Malwarebytes' it will offer you the option to ignore the threat, but 99% of the time either both won't catch it or one will catch it and remove/quarantine it before the other one detects it, generally speaking your AV will have first dibs on anything coming into your computer. Besides that, Malwarebytes' is designed to catch threats not typically detected by antivirus software, in fact that's why it exists, because the AV companies over the past few years have really dropped the ball when it comes to the nastier, and often most common types of malware on the net.
  21. Greetings, yes the 2 work well together, I've seen many users who use the two of them in tandem without issues or conflicts (both with realtime protection enabled).
  22. Greetings and welcome. A good tutorial for hijackthis can be found here: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/tutorial42.html For combofix see here: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/combofix/how-to-use-combofix Info for avenger: http://swandog46.geekstogo.com/avenger2/avenger2.html For Otlistit I couldn't find a how to or anything, but basically it lets you create a list of files modified or created in the last x number of days (very useful if you know when at least one malicous file was created to help track down others you don't know are there). rslist is similar to Otlistit in what it does except it is designed to run with HijackThis and adds similar info to your HijackThis log that you would get running Otlistit (like files created and modified recently etc). All that being said, if you are still having issues with a stubborn infection please read the instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post your logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. If you want to learn to become a malware removal expert and really learn how to use those tools and much more then you should just google malware removal school as there are a lot of great sites on the web that will teach you all the basics to get you going. The best part is, they're free. Just keep in mind it's a time consuming process so be prepared to WORK. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  23. Greetings and welcome to the forum. To get you fixed up please read the instructions here, no worries if some of the scans won't run or complete, just do the ones you can: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 and post your logs in a new topic here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal/scanning tools exept those that you are instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult. I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing.
  24. If you're still there, and it's still not working then please give this a try: Copy the following into notepad and save it as a .reg file (you can call it fix.reg or something else if you'd like): Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msiserver] "DisplayName"="@%SystemRoot%\\system32\\msimsg.dll,-27" "ImagePath"=hex(2):25,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,72,00,6f,00,6f,00,\ 74,00,25,00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,6d,\ 00,73,00,69,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,63,00,20,00,2f,00,56,00,00,00 "Description"="@%SystemRoot%\\system32\\msimsg.dll,-32" "ObjectName"="LocalSystem" "ErrorControl"=dword:00000001 "Start"=dword:00000003 "Type"=dword:00000010 "DependOnService"=hex(7):72,00,70,00,63,00,73,00,73,00,00,00,00,00 "ServiceSidType"=dword:00000001 "RequiredPrivileges"=hex(7):53,00,65,00,54,00,63,00,62,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,\ 00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,43,00,72,00,65,00,61,00,\ 74,00,65,00,50,00,61,00,67,00,65,00,66,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,50,00,72,00,69,\ 00,76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,4c,00,6f,00,63,00,\ 6b,00,4d,00,65,00,6d,00,6f,00,72,00,79,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,\ 00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,49,00,6e,00,63,00,72,00,65,00,61,00,\ 73,00,65,00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,6f,00,72,00,69,00,74,\ 00,79,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,00,\ 65,00,43,00,72,00,65,00,61,00,74,00,65,00,50,00,65,00,72,00,6d,00,61,00,6e,\ 00,65,00,6e,00,74,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,\ 00,00,53,00,65,00,41,00,75,00,64,00,69,00,74,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,\ 00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,53,00,65,00,63,00,75,00,72,00,\ 69,00,74,00,79,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,\ 00,53,00,65,00,43,00,68,00,61,00,6e,00,67,00,65,00,4e,00,6f,00,74,00,69,00,\ 66,00,79,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,\ 00,65,00,50,00,72,00,6f,00,66,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,53,00,69,00,6e,00,67,00,\ 6c,00,65,00,50,00,72,00,6f,00,63,00,65,00,73,00,73,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,\ 00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,49,00,6d,00,70,00,65,00,\ 72,00,73,00,6f,00,6e,00,61,00,74,00,65,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,\ 00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,43,00,72,00,65,00,61,00,74,00,65,00,\ 47,00,6c,00,6f,00,62,00,61,00,6c,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,\ 00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,41,00,73,00,73,00,69,00,67,00,6e,00,50,00,\ 72,00,69,00,6d,00,61,00,72,00,79,00,54,00,6f,00,6b,00,65,00,6e,00,50,00,72,\ 00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,52,00,65,00,\ 73,00,74,00,6f,00,72,00,65,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,\ 00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,49,00,6e,00,63,00,72,00,65,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,\ 51,00,75,00,6f,00,74,00,61,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,\ 00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,53,00,68,00,75,00,74,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,6e,00,\ 50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,54,\ 00,61,00,6b,00,65,00,4f,00,77,00,6e,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,68,00,69,00,70,00,\ 50,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,53,00,65,00,4c,\ 00,6f,00,61,00,64,00,44,00,72,00,69,00,76,00,65,00,72,00,50,00,72,00,69,00,\ 76,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,67,00,65,00,00,00,00,00 "FailureActions"=hex:84,03,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,14,00,00,\ 00,01,00,00,00,c0,d4,01,00,01,00,00,00,e0,93,04,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00After you've saved the file, simply double click it, reboot and then see if it works now.
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