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  1. Yes, it does. My email and its linked online at Best Buy MB purchases recognized now in my Account by Malwarebytes, and by via your help I know how solve the TP prolem.
  2. Looks like the crux of my problem was that in my Account my MB was not activated. So any further of your observation(s) greatly appreciated, but not needed. THANK you barsim
  3. Where is License Key is hiding now with the new v5? I need it when I reinstall it. I don't want to pay twice for the license, which I bought. Getting the new log is no problem before the reinstllation.
  4. I didn't uninstall Malwarebytes because the T.P. didn't allow it, just reinstalled the latest. Just rembered the fast Startup was disabled, just to be sure, ran the steps again. I'm also enclosing the gethered logs.mbst-grab-results.zip
  5. Hello, I've comited the sin of forgetting the password for the Temper Protection. As per the advice of T.P. the reinstallation of Malwarebytes didn't solve the problem, the program still asking for the PW. What is the solution for quandary? Thank you barsim
  6. Hello AdvancedSetup, Managed to solve the update problem. The update server was accessible in Safe Mode with Networking, so my app running the latest 4.4.2. Thanks barsim
  7. "Then this will take more work. @AdvancedSetup will work with you further to get this fixed. " Can you expand on this, especially regarding AdvancedsSetup? (I'm guessing here: the mb-Repair tool?) As a work-around I could download the 4.4.2. Can I install it on top of existing one like an update, or uninstall the existing one with the repair tool before installing the 4.4.2? Thank you
  8. Turning off fast start no problem. I think the LogMeIn Hamachi is needed for family member who is working remotely on a work place computer. Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash Player removal then reinstalling them, no problem. Please, advise.
  9. Hi Porthos, Thank you for the prompt answer. Please, find the attached logs below. Thank you mbst-grab-results.zip
  10. Hi All, My Lap-Top and Desk-Top on the same network. While my LT update went without a hitch, not so the DT's. The answer is after many tries: Network error, my internet connection is up and working. The previous version on both 4.4.0 Any suggestion(s)? Thank you barsim
  11. Hi Porthos, Solved! It's was hidden in Toolbar customization reserv. Thanks
  12. Hello, What is the solution when installed and enabled Browser Guard NO SHOW at my browser (FF. v 7.0 x64). Thanks for suggestion(s)
  13. Hello, First of all there is no problem log-in to this Forum, however when try to sign-in into my Account from the app user interface (v.4.0.4)I get rejected all the time, even though as a last resort I used my all three existing e-mail addresses, one by one for resetting password. The answer all the time is the e-mail is non existent! One of them should be correct! At my wits end.
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