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Posts posted by goragon

  1. The new update is crashing on heuristic analysis, first time I've ever had a problem with this software.



    I've disabled all my anti virus programs (avast, Difender).

    I've clean uninstalled and reinstalled Malwarebytes.


    I'm out of options now :(


    I can see a few people are having the similar problem the past few weeks.


    Not the old version of malarebytes (mbam-setup- still works ok.




  2. I've followed all the above steps.


    Clean removed the old version mbam-setup- (This one works OK)


    Installed the latest version of MWB and it still crashes on Heuristic Analysis.


    I've checked the disk for errors, none found and I've scanned the system with "adwcleaner" and it cant find any malware on my system, I've also run a scan with "Avast", nothing there. 


    I've attached a copy of the new log files as requested.


    The only thing that's changed on my system is the new version of malwarebytes


    Any other suggestions?


    Should I put the old version back on, that's seems to work ok.




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