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  1. I am really confused which program to use. I am like you BillDksn I have been running both MWB and PC Matic and liked them both. I don't feel protect with just one. After reading all the information I could fine on both programs on the net I removed PC Matic and went with MWB 3.0 and now find my laptop running much slower. I am going to remove MWB in it and go back to PC Matic. PC Matic must be doing something right. I say the same MWB - Get your head out of you butt! Your going to lose customers. Gerald37
  2. As I said if they would run together I would keep Malwarebytes but they don't have the optimizing feasters and a lot of other things PC Matic has but they to remove malware. I sure can tell the speed of my computers is better when running PC Matic. and it also removes malware.
  3. As I have said in the past I have run Malwarebytes and PC Matic for several years. I have liked both programs but now that they do not run together I have removed Malwarebytes. I feel that in the past PC Matic had better protection for viruses than Malwarebytes. Malwarebytes did find malware. If I ran PC Matic first and Malwarebytes later it never did come up with any malware. Both my computers seem to run better after running PC Matic. This is just my feelings. I am just running PC Matic now. I would purchase Malwarebytes again if they would run together.
  4. Will Malwarebytes 3.0 do everything that PC Matic advertising that it will do. I have been running PC Matic and it does not run will with Malwarebytes so I would like to remove PC Matic if I would be protected.
  5. Thank you for getting back to me. My computer is working fine at present time. What I have found when I use Google Chrome browser and as soon as Malwarebytes runs it comes up with that I have (pup.optional SearchlockA). I then quarantine it and then delete it and if I do not use Google Chrome it never has come back. I quick use Google Chrome and use Internet Explorer and have never seen (Pup.Otptional SearchlockA) again. I have not down loaded Farbar Recovery Scan Tool as yet. Do you think it is necessary if I stay away from Google Chrome? I have a second computer on my network and it came up the same with this (Pup.) program I deleted it with Malbytes and went to Internet Explorer and have not see it again. The file or program is always under the Chrome folder. I do not like to down load any more programs off the internet than I need to. Right now both my computers are running great. What causes this Pup.? Jerry Mathison
  6. I run Malwarebytes an it comes up I have (pup.optional Seachlock A). I quarantine it and then have it deleted. After I have been back on line and I run Malbytes again it shows up again. How do I get this removed completely? Is this important to be removed ? Geraldm37
  7. This is my first time on the wedsite. I hope I am posting this in the correct place. I run Malwarebytes an it comes up I have (pup.optional Seachlock A). I quarantine it and then have it deleted. After I have been back on line and I run Malbytes again it shows up again. How do I get this removed completely? Is this important to be removed ? Geraldm37
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