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Everything posted by Rsullinger

  1. Hello, It may sometimes be needed especially if you plan on installing over the top as well. Much like what Lazz mentioned, is that the console or install will let you know if that was the case. Thank you,
  2. Hello Gheller, We are not currently aware of any conflicts or compatibility issues with the two apps that you mentioned. I haven't really used any clean up tools on android phones before, so I can't really comment on which one would be best. If you have your eyes set on one of the two above, I would go with the one that has the features that you truly want from it. Thank you, Ron S
  3. Hello Philly, I can assist you with this if you want to bring it to a private support ticket. If you happen to have a GPO on your environment, you can push out a group policy to change this on all of your machines which may make things a lot easier for you. There is a Microsoft forum post that has helped other customers that I have worked with that gives detailed steps for this: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/84c78946-eb05-4068-877d-489153419d13/how-to-enable-the-wmi-entry-in-the-firewall-configuration-using-gpo-on-win7?forum=winserverGP Thank you, Ron S
  4. Hello CxL, You are correct. It doesn't seem to go into it much. I can bring this up to the team about possibly making an addition to show exactly what those entry's mean. We know what it is because we work on the product so much, but it may not be so obvious to customers who are new to the product. Thank you, Ron S
  5. Hello CxL, I am sorry for the issues you are experiencing. This is probably the same Ron you have a ticket with as I do remember the PSEXEC portion of our conversation. I reply to the PM you sent me for more information. Thank you, Ron S
  6. Hi CxL, No problem. It is in the admin guide and it can be found under page 22 under section 7.4. Here is a link to the one I am viewing just in case: http://static-cdn.malwarebytes.org/assets/userguides/2015-01-21/MBMCGuide.pdf If they are not frequently online, then that may be the issue. They have to check in with the policy (based on the policy check in timer) so that the client can send the console the log to update if the client is clean or not. If you notice they are online and are still showing as pink/red, then we can assist in figuring out either why an infection is not being removed or why it is still showing that way. Thank you, Ron S
  7. Hello Tdhaslett, That is correct. We will not be registered as a virus or spyware protection because we do not fall under those category of protection programs. That is why we recommend also having a virus program as a second layer of protection. Thank you, Ron S
  8. We do have an update to the management console from MEE(1.3) to 1.4.1. You should have received an e-mail with your new ID and Key and upgrade instructions on 11/11 of last year. While it is true that some customers are having issues with the install after swapping the packages, not everyone is having this issue. We are currently troubleshooting and trying to find the root cause of this issue. If you are willing to provide some logs or information for this, PM me your e-mail so I can create a ticket to collect these. Thank you, Ron S
  9. Hello MGard, It may be an issue with the client communication. I would want to have you gather some logs for me for this. However, I want to create a ticket for this in our ticketing system. Do you mind sending your e-mail to me in a private message so I can get one made? Thank you, Ron S
  10. Hello cxl48548, 1. The red/pink color will show that a detection is found. That will stay like that until the next scan that computer does comes back clean. 2. You are correct in this but there is also a quarantine option. None, like you assumed, is no action taken. Success is there when a program or IP address was blocked. Quarantine is there when a file is removed. Just for an example, I ran a test infection which Malwarebytes blocked so it shows as a success. Then, it quarantined the file so it shows up as a quarantine. If you are noticing some items as none, then there is two things that may be causing that. a. The settings in the policy may have the setting for that detection (pups and pums for example) as show in results list and do not check for removal. Because they are not check for removal, nothing happens to them. b. Quarantine automatically was not turned on for that scan. Let me know if you have any other questions! Thank you, Ron S
  11. Hello Hav0c, I understand now. Thank you. Everything look good. Did you have any issues with the programs at all after doing this? Thank you, Ron S
  12. Hello Smooi, That is an older build then what is currently released. I want to have you try this version on a test computer to see if it ends up fixing that issue. http://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mbae Thank you, Ron S
  13. Hello CxL, Sorry for the delay in response. You are correct in that it is based on the local machines time. I am glad you were able to find the answer. Thank you, Ron S
  14. Hello Hav0c. My name is Ron and I will be assisting you today. What are you trying to do with the script you sent or trying to do with making them work together. As far as I know with my history with deep freeze, you would only need to install, activate, update the program, then freeze that PC and that will have the protection working, but will need to be updated. I am just mainly confused with the script portion and what you are trying to do with it. Thank you, Ron S
  15. Hello Smooi. My name is Ron and I will be helping you with this today. What version of Anti-exploit are you currently on? We released a few versions that have taken care of java false positives. If you are on an older version, we will try to get you on the newest one to see if that fixes this case. Thank you, Ron S
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