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Posts posted by digmorcrusher

  1. If Microsoft does not want people using system restore then they just need to get rid of it, what's the point of offering it and then saying no,no, don't use it kiddies. Its saved me numerous times, such as..... a bsod.... from a botched Windows update!!  I also use Aeomi but only use it when system restore doesn't work. Trying Rollback RX now, quite nice, a reboot and you can roll back to a previous image, very simple and very quick.

  2. 7 hours ago, exile360 said:

    I would also mention that once true Artificial Intelligence becomes a reality (and even with the existing, unthinking so-called AI based on Machine Learning and complex algorithms that can see patterns in human behavior that humans cannot), all of this collected data, regardless of how 'benign' it might appear, could potentially be used to subvert the will of free markets and otherwise free peoples.  It's startling what a modern AI can learn and report about an individual based on seemingly random and unrelated data collected through the web and other sources and just how powerful that data can be to manipulate everything from individual purchasing decisions to what we believe and possibly even how we vote.  If you do not believe that any government, corporation, political candidate or criminal would jump at the opportunity to leverage such power, then your faith in humanity is much greater than mine.  I am certain that at least some in a position of access and influence will attempt to use our data against us in this way, and in fact we have already seen countless instances of some doing just that as indicated in some of the links and videos posted by AdvancedSetup above.

    This, and worse, is going to happen, just a matter of time and there will be no way to stop it. My dim view of things. 

  3. When does trying to be private become more of a pain then just just being on the internet? I don't do social media, buy little online so they don't get my cc number, use fake names on forums, some other stuff. But when is it too much, I use Chrome, because it works the best for me. Basically my opinion is if you want privacy then stay off the internet. Like that is going to happen.😀

  4. Hi guys, just a quick question I may know the answer to but want to ask anyways. I uninstalled MB a couple weeks ago, deleted all folders and cleaned out the registry of any Malwarebytes entries I could find using a couple of tools that work well in doing such. Installed again today, and when I opened MB it was already registered with my lifetime MB license. So kicker is that after I installed I then rolled back using Rollback RX, installed again and had to register license, not registered to my license like earlier install. So question is, why do 2 different installs within 1 hour of each other have such different results? And why would MB remember my registration after I obliterated everything  I could find connected to Malwarebytes? And believe me I nuked everything.Thanks.

  5. Yes, I eventually found it, but it wasn't on the Privacy page, when you click on Buy Now there it just shows the combo price, you have to go to the MB page and click on pricing, here it shows the prices for both MB and MB Privacy.

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