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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Alrighty! I'll send some spam your way as soon as I have a chance hehe
  2. I get a lot of Spam in my Gmail so I could forward you that if you'd like.
  3. Hello ClintonMagus, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org and thank you for your purchase Yes, you absolutely can move the license you currently have from your old machine to your new machine. Please note that one license is required per computer. When you are ready to transfer, please do the following: Uninstall Malwarebytes from the old computer Re-boot if asked (very important) Please download mbam-clean from here Please note that this will clear Malwarebytes from being registered on the machine and will clear any logs as well as any items in quarantine. Reboot the machine if requested. Malwarebytes will now be uninstalled from the old machine. Then, please download Malwarebytes onto the new machine and click the "Register" button and copy & paste your ID & Key into the fields and your new machine will be protected. I hope this answered your question and if you have any other questions do not hesitate to post. As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page. Thank you
  4. Welcome LarMan22 So you have done a clean re-install of Malwarebytes (including running the mbam-clean file) as outlined here in this post?: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...ost&p=32144 Did you install Malwarebytes using an administrator account? In the interface, under protection, did you make sure that you chose "Start with Windows" and "Enable Website Blocking"? I can provide a screenshot for you on exactly where to find this later on tonight if that would be helpful for you. Last thing, probably a silly question, but, did you click the "Register" button on Malwarebytes and put in your ID and Key? If you have done all this and you still cannot get the Website blocking feature to work, please e-mail support@malwarebytes.org and include your order number with your request and someone will be able to help you with this. As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page. Thank you
  5. Thank you YoKenny1! Yeah, MSE was finally able to update after a system restart and then it disabled WD so that is all set now. Thanks for that MSE portal update link, definitely a good thing to have for the future should I ever need it! I know, she has to update her SP & several other things as well on the laptop. At least SP1 is still supported for a while yet, so that's good. She doesn't go online with it very often, usually just watches movies & listens to music on it, so that partially explains the outdated SP1. I also need to educate her better on keeping things up to date, etc... When I get my hands on it again (she wasn't able to bring it to me today) I am going to firstly do some more in-depth scans on it (already ran MSE quick scan and Mbam quick scan) to make sure its malware-free and then I am going to uninstall old programs, update the SP to 2, and then update her programs.
  6. Thanks Buttons MSE disabled WD already so that's all set. I will run the Norton Removal Tool when I get my hands on the laptop again. Yesterday I just wanted to get a decent AV on there and I ran Mbam on it too I can't find Norton in the programs though, which is odd. She wasn't able to bring the laptop to me today, so when I see her again I'll ask her about it.
  7. Hi dank, and thank you for your interest in providing samples and links to Malwarebytes Depending on the type of malware/infection, there are one of two places to report the nasties at the Research Center: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showforum=44 You may report items in one of those two forums there. If you are trained and know what you are doing, you may also zip up samples of infections to your posts there & attach them to your post. I hope this answered your question and if you have any further questions about this please post it in one of those two forums so that someone may better answer your question on how to submit files. As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page. Thank you
  8. Edit: Finally it updated! After I restarted the laptop, it began updating automatically and this time it completed. So that's good anyway. Andn WD disabled itself. Now to run a quick scan Working on a friend of mine's laptop and she only has/(had) Windows Defender installed currently. It's a Sony Vaio (sp?) and I found a Vaio security center installed under programs but it doesn't seem to be running in realtime and is probably out of date anyway. Edit: Checked that out, it just appears to manage security for the computer some how... an offer for an ID theft prevention product & a 40% off offer for Symantec but I don't see the Norton 360 there at all. I downloaded MSE on her computer and checked for updates - twice. It would not update Edit: The security center is telling me that Norton 360 is no longer receiving updates, but I can't find the Norton 360 anywhere, not in Program files and not in uninstall programs either. Maybe the Norton is conflicting with MSE updates. I uninstalled MSE & am going to re-download it and see if that helps. Do I need to disable WD in order to update? I checked settings in IE - they are on "automatically detect settings". Using the Internet (email, yahoo IM, etc..) works fine so its not that the internet isn't working. I will be taking her computer on Wednesday evening and working on it on Thursday... I told her I just want to check it and update programs out since it only had WD for so long. Cleared out 158,000 MB of temp files w/ ATF Cleaner. & 13,000 MB from Firefox temp files. That's a record for what I have cleared off of someones computer so far with ATF, lol Any ideas? Vista Home Premium SP1 32 bit UAC On
  9. Hi PowerPenguin, Did you try replacing rules.ref on the infected/unable to update machine with an updated copy of rules.ref from a clean, working machine as outlined here in Issue #4:? http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...ost&p=49525 Also what OS (XP, Vista, 7, or 2000) are you running? Most likely you need to show hidden files/folders in order to get to where rules.ref is, and I can give you instructions if you need them on how to do this.
  10. Hi LisaB, Have you recently uninstalled/modified any software/hardware programs?
  11. Have you run a FULL virus scan since you installed KIS to the machines? Typically that greatly improves performance.
  12. Ahhhhh there's something higher than a peta? More than one something? ::runs for cover::
  13. I was reading about Google's history on Wikipedia just now and I had no idea what a petabyte was when it was mentioned, so I followed the link in the article and here it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petabyte I didn't know there was anything larger than a terabyte honestly, hehe, so I thought that I would share!
  14. hehehe @deathtospyware I have to say I agree w/ what you said about how there are probably many many people who don't know what a floppy is. I bet 10-15 years from now anyone under 30 most likely won't know what they are.
  15. You need to stick with your helper in the Malware Removal Forum. I understand your frustration but you need to stick with your helper since you are infected and that is what is currently being worked on, trying to seek help outside of that can mess with any progress being made and can oftentimes make things more difficult for you and your helper in cleaning your machine.
  16. I agree, it is totally annoying Ron. I've mostly switched to Scroogle but I do use Google at least a once or twice a week still. @noknojon I only get the Chrome prompt if I use IE, at least that I've noticed.
  17. I'm not gonna lie, I've had Malwarebytes dreams (nothing to do with being infected though) before too.
  18. It's okay Tom! Sometimes we just need someone to show us what to do You're very welcome!
  19. You're welcome Please see attached picture.
  20. Absolutely! That is definitely possible I will give you a screen shot in a couple hours, okay?
  21. Hello again When you add an IP address to the ignore list in Malwarebytes, it blocks that particular IP address. So if more than one website shares that IP, all of those websites will no longer be blocked. To answer your question, yes, your protection against that site (and often times, sites) will stop. Are you getting a full web-page block or is the site still loading but still getting an IP block? If the second situation is true, then the IP block is probably coming from an advertisement and you would not want to unblock it.
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