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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Rui, Nope, I don't think I added anything to the exclusions list at all in the manner that you described. I was taught to exclude (well actually now I know that it is disabling) a host entry on HostsMan, I go to edit on the right side of the main screen, then search, and then click #Disabled once I've highlighted the entry that I wish to disable, so that is what I have been doing to disable host entries so that I can go to otherwise blocked/hindered sites (such as Facebook [i know, I know] and a blog site that I go to, as well as several other sites.
  2. Rui, Get some sleep! Yes, you can edit posts, after having made 50 posts. Considering who you are, I would think that if you PM one of the Administrators, such as AdvancedSetup on the board, you could probably be given that ability sooner (I am not positive though).
  3. Thanks Rui, that's great I hope I'm not taking up too much of your time, but I am still confused as to what happened to my #Disabled screen, so maybe you might have an answer (at your leisure, no hurry here). I am not sure if you've had a chance to look through this thread at all, but about three days ago I decided to try out using the "overwrite" option when I updated HostsMan (instead of the "merge" option that I have used these last 6 months) and I lost the ability to see my #Disabled list. I had saved a copy of my HostsFile prior to that, and once I put it back in, I could see my #Disabled list again. Then I updated one more time, chose "Merge" and again I cannot see my #Disabled list but I can get to those sites. Do you know what might have happened or what I can do to fix this? If you need me to further explain anything or give you screen shots, I would be more than happy to do so. Sometimes I don't describe things very well if I am confused myself
  4. Rui, /edit Sorry, I had to read your reply again to get what you meant. I don't really care if the entries I want are excluded or disabled; I just want to be able to get to some sites but I don't necessarily want them completely taken out of the Hosts file, which is what I think the #Disabled screen is for. I would also like to be able to see a list of the disabled sites, which I do not have that list showing any longer since I hit overwrite. Is the #Disabled screen then for items you don't want excluded but DO want disabled? That's basically what I want here, an easy way to disable Hosts entries. Now I realize that disabled and excluded are not interchangeable words in this situation (and most situations I guess), and I had erroneously been using them to mean the same thing.
  5. Rui, Oh. Yeah, what I had thought was my excluded list anyway, always showed up under that excluded list in the #Disabled screen shot that YoKenny1 posted. I like that list though, because I can see what I have excluded and change it if I want to. What is the #Disabled screen for, then?
  6. Yes that is the screen that I mean YoKenny1, thank you I have a fair number of exclusions shown in mine, or at least I did until I hit "overwrite". I can still go to the excluded sites but the URL's do not show in that screen.
  7. Thanks for your reply, Rui I'm not at my computer right now but tonight when I am I'll get you a screen shot so you know what I mean, because I am not entirely sure how to describe it. As far as I know, under "Open Hosts" (or Edit, I can't remember exactly) and then when you click #Disabled, the list that shows up is one's exclusion list.
  8. Thank you Rui for stopping by! I love HostsMan, it is awesome and I've been using it for about 6 months now. Just a quick question for you if you have some time. Last time I updated, I used "overwrite" instead of "merge" (like I have been the the last 6 months) and then when I went to Edit hosts and clicked #Disabled. my exclusions list was gone. Prior to doing this, I had saved a backup. I put that in there, and I saw my list again. Then I updated one more time and chose "merge" and I did not see my list but I was able to go to and see my excluded sites. So my question for you then is there a way that I'd be able to get my exclusion list back so that I can see the sites in the list? I just don't like not being able to see them because I won't know exactly what is in there and just in case something is there that I don't want I'd like to be able to see that.
  9. Okay, just a little update here... I updated & clicked "merge" (only one update showed this time after I had 6 earlier tonight) and I do NOT see my exclusions list but I can still go to said excluded sites and they work fine. Not sure how or why that might be happening? Its just nice to be able to see my exclusions list, especially if something is there that shouldn't be that might have been added accidentally.
  10. Cool, thanks For now I'll just update it again and choose "merge". I'm in no hurry. Just as long as it's protecting me and I can get to the sites I have excluded I am a happy camper I am checking out the forums too btw.
  11. That's alright. No need to apologize! It's not your fault at all! I'm just glad that I remembered to save a backup. I dunno how many exclusions I have, but its enough where it would be a giant PITA to add them all again each time I updated. But it would also be nice to be able to have the HOSTS file fully update (remove URL's that are no longer listed for blockage, things like that).
  12. @MysteryFCM Well I just updated my HOSTS file & when I picked overwrite it went MUCH faster BUT I lost my exclusions (at least I didn't see my exclusions list when I clicked #Disabled) I did save a back up prior to the update (But it appears to be of my ENTIRE HOSTS file, not just my exclusions), so I opened that from within the HostsMan editor after update and it seems that my exclusions have been restored but I am probably back to the HOSTS file I had prior to updating just now. It seems that I need to choose "merge with current hosts" in order to keep my exclusions list or manually add them each week when I update (which would be a PITA tbh) unless I am doing something wrong :/
  13. I like Opera best, but I mostly use Firefox. IE on Vista & 7 is a good choice so long as its in protected mode Orca Browser is pretty cool too and very light on system resources. I have all four of those browsers.
  14. I did not, but I do now, thanks YoKenny1. Unsure if iHeartMbam is not from the US, but I'll edit my post to reflect this.
  15. Hello iHeartMbam, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes and thank you for your purchase of Malwarebytes. Well many video hosting sites are malware infested (not to mention some/many are also illegal) unfortunately and can put your machine at risk. If you use Netflix, many shows are available for instant watch. www.hulu.com is a safe, legal, free video hosting site (only for use by people living in the USA though). I use Hulu myself and have never had any issues with it. Also the TV Network Channels official site of the show you wish to watch often has past episodes on it as well. However, if you do wish to unblock an IP address (and I recommend that you check it here first), go to the website you wish to use, incur a block, and right-click and choose "add to ignore list". Please see here on more information on the IP/Website blocking feature of Malwarebytes: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...mp;#entry162100 As a side note, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page when replying. Thank you
  16. Happy Happy Birthday! Hope it is a great one!
  17. Cool, thanks, that's awesome!
  18. Happy Happy Birthday Tom!! Hope it is a great one!
  19. Strat, You really really need to install the Service Pack 2 and then Service Pack 3 after that As Soon As Possible: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=270072 Support for XP with no service pack ended September 30th, 2004. Your system is at GREAT risk. Here is a Wikipedia article with some great background information on XP as well as information on service packs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_XP
  20. No problem I actually just found that out recently, within the past couple of weeks
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