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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Can you get it to boot up at all?? If so, turn it on, and as soon as you see anything on the screen, press F8 over and over until you get a menu of options. Then choose last known good configuration. See if that works.
  2. Please follow AdvancedSetup's directions above Unfortunately some malware these days is very stubborn and gets itself deep in your system, which requires using more removal tools. Malwarebytes is very good at getting most malware, but sometimes you have to go further. This is not Malwarebyte's fault at all; it's how the malware is being designed unfortunately.
  3. @ Shy Ah ha!! ::goes and checks settings:: I have the notifications enabled When I have a new message, when I look up (at the upper right of the page), even if I haven't refreshed the page yet (or so it seems) it says 1 New Messages, 2 New Messages, etc... but nothing actually pops up at me.
  4. Yikes. That's intense. I hope everyone's alright Yay!
  5. Where? On the forum here? I don't, no. I don't know if you are supposed to or not. I've never heard of it before.
  6. Thanks for getting back to me, shadowwar As far as I know I can see the pictures in the folder. I didn't have time to investigate further yet because I had to run after doing those scans. I find it very weird that it picked up just 7 files. I will definitely perform a right-click scan on this folder and since its been a while since I did a full scan, that won't hurt either. For some reason I thought that a quick scan did scan desktop folders, good to know that that is not the case. I will open the files w/ Notepad when I am at my machine (I am not at it right now) and get back to you as soon as possible. I don't think that I have the permissions to send you a PM with an attachment (it didn't look like it when I just checked), however I would quite prefer to do that vs. attaching it here. Thanks again
  7. Well I hope everything will be alright for you and your family and everyone in your area & good luck with the computer
  8. hehe. Ew, RegCure Eh, well I'm sure you know what to do But definitely scan it with Mbam! And give it a quick run with SAS as well afterwards just to make sure.
  9. Happy Happy Birthday !! Hope you get on to see this
  10. You're welcome Not good. Give it a quick scan with Mbam after running ATF cleaner (DON'T clear out her recycle bin though, just in case).
  11. Whoa huge run on sentence there (makes it hard to read), please use some punctuation next time . And as noknojon said, we need to know the error number/name, what it says, and other pertinent information. Also a screen shot of it would be helpful as well. Thank you
  12. Oh my gosh! That's scary. I'm glad that you're alright though!!! Yikes! Yes, and make sure she has a good AV as well, that's up-to-date
  13. Hehe that's okay Shy Drat, I was hoping it was that easy, hehe. I have two locking drives... one 128 MB and one 512 MB. The second one is full of stuff that I wanted but haven't bothered to look at since I dumped it on there, heh. I would do mine to the store via their website but I think I'd rather do it at the photo kiosk (I think that's the right word).
  14. I was actually wondering the same thing. I think that most likely it would be fine. However, if you have a locking flash drive, that would be ideal. (I have two of them, they are at least 5 years old now, unfortunately they seem to be a rarity to find these days). Even better, if you have the option, burn the picture files onto a CD and get them printed that way. I think that that is what I am going to do.
  15. I was doing a quick scan today, and 7 items were hit in my recycle bin. Then I dragged the folder out of the recycle bin (the folder and its contents is the only thing currently in my recycle bin) onto the desktop, and did another scan. It came out clean. Then I dragged the folder back into the recycle bin and ran a developer's scan, which I have pasted below. I am fairly certain that these 7 hits are a false positive, both because they are just picture files, as well as the fact that they were not hit when residing on the desktop. If it matters at all here, the hit files are files that I dredged up using Piriforms Recuva when searching for lost pictures... I stupidly had somehow lost some important pictures and was able to recover them using Recuva. This folder that contains the hits I haven't deleted yet but have retained in my recycle bin in case I want it, but I have recovered everything that I wanted already, this is just a spare folder.
  16. Yeah Firefox can be quite the little resource hog, the newest version of Firefox was supposed to correct this but eh, not necessarily for everyone. Mine runs at about 190,000 K usually, although checking Task Manager just now, it's running at about 45,000 K, at least for the moment. Then again, I only have two tabs open right now. Usually I have at least 4 tabs open. Also if I am watching something on Netflix or Hulu or another site, the memory usage climbs quite a bit, sometimes reaching up to 230,000 K or so. It is a good idea to close it when you are not using it, but if you must save what you've opened, open a second tab (even if you don't need to) leave it blank, then close out. Firefox should ask you if you want to save your tabs for later and quit or just quit. Choose save and quit. I noticed though that you can't have the history automatically clean when you close the browser in order for your tabs to save though, at least on my machine. I don't have my history automatically clean, partially for that reason. I do use CCleaner at least once a day though, followed by ATF Cleaner, so not having it clear the history when I close Firefox is not a big deal to me.
  17. You're welcome, goldhound Oo, cleaning a mirror would definitely not be good for her right now. Hehe, yeah, I suppose most of us do things when we shouldn't once in a while Awww lol. Cats are awesome companions, although sometimes they can be quite the little rascal... hehe
  18. I'm glad that she is doing well for the most part Maybe tell her to tone down the computer use just a bit, not good that those stitches are bleeding As for the computer issue, hopefully this will be a good lesson for her to not ignore update prompts hehe. That's quite an interesting story with the dog, the cat, heh. At least he didn't barf it all up in the house right next to where you were... gosh that'd be quite a mess.
  19. Holy crap.... 10 DAYS??? I feel much better about the wonderful jam we got in last week then.. hehe.
  20. Hi midaya13 This is my preferred spot to download Malwarebytes: http://majorgeeks.com/Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware_d5756.html You just click on one of these on that page: Download@MajorGeeks Download@MajorGeeks Then click on the "Protection" tab, and copy and paste your ID and Key into their respective fields, after clicking on the "Register" button. Screen-shots courtesy of GT500
  21. Personally I think a new look would be nice and I wouldn't mind it, but to be perfectly honest I don't care if there's a new look or not. It's nice and basic and EXTREMELY easy to use, which is really important.
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