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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. T'would be very cool What about some earrings? I'd wear some Malwarebytes earrings
  2. Congraturations (I spelled it that way on purpose, if anyone's wondering )
  3. Happy Happy Birthday!! Hope it's a great one
  4. A shirt would be sweeettt. And maybe mouse pads, and mugs and...
  5. Thanks for this info GT500, I will keep it in mind next time I help someone with this
  6. Thanks for this! I've already taken a trip down memory lane on Wikipedia about this but I'll check out that article too. At very first glance of the title from the main forum, I thought this post might actually be about dinosaurs, and I got really excited because I love dinosaurs, hehe.
  7. Have a great time!! And yes, your help is greatly appreciated
  8. Thanks Marcus I'll keep that in mind as a reference but hopefully I don't have to go through it again, two times already, maybe three. Ugh! lol
  9. Oh. Drat. Well, if you can still provide any of that information I'll see if I can find any information for you.
  10. I agree that AV comparatives can be a crock, after reading your information and other information that I've read on the subject.
  11. Hey, hey, everyone has their preferences and things that they prefer and that work best for them
  12. You're quite welcome! You could just stick with the one that came with it in Windows. However, if you are interested, and are somewhat of an advanced user, this program is definitely worth checking out, and if I had Vista or 7, I would be using it myself http://www.sphinx-soft.com/Vista/order.html
  13. Hello molideha, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org The malware may be preventing you from successfully finishing and seeing the results of your scan Sounds like you are likely badly infected since 220+ items were found. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless it's been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help. If you are unable to do all or any of the steps in the link to the directions above, just post your problem into the forum I gave you a link to anyway and someone will be able to assist you. Also, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page, as this makes the forum easier to read. After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post. Thank you
  14. Okay so you shouldn't have any problems between MSE and Mbam then, BUT, it doesn't hurt to add exclusions anway I was asking about your OS because XP has known issues running MSE and realtime Mbam, but it's very rare on Vista/7. Here's the link to add exclusions: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=181018
  15. Hello Jagst3r15 What operating system are you running? (XP, Vista, Windows 7)
  16. Ah, thanks Exile Learned something new today then That sucks though.
  17. Awesome!! Thanks for posting that, L00N3R I have a friend using a Mac with no AV, another started using Pc Tools iAntiVirus at my prompting Edit: Looks like PC Tools is the only free one. :/ But it's nice to know there is a decent amount of choices for Mac users.
  18. I thought that the built in firewall in Vista and 7 already blocked outbound? Maybe I'm mistaken though.
  19. That is an awesome idea Not sure if it will ever happen (I do not work for Malwarebytes or anything) but a good idea just the same PC Tools makes a free AV for Mac. Norton and Kaspersky both have an AV for Mac (paid), and I think McAfee may have one as well (paid).
  20. Oh and hey Malware Destroyer, one last thing I forgot (it's been a long day), when you are finished, please open up Internet Explorer and manually check for updates. There will be at least one update for .net framework 1.1, there may be two. Keep checking and installing until you are done getting the updates. If it asks you to restart, please do so right away
  21. Why thank you very much Ron, that's exactly what I was looking for. (I have it bookmarked on my IE but I didn't have the link with me). Malware Destroyer, please check out that link that AdvancedSetup posted. The actual tool is on this link here (linked from the link that AdvancedSetup posted): http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2...28/8904493.aspx , under Download Location. Download the tool from one of the two sources (I usually choose the second one), and save it to your desktop. Then please download a fresh copy of .Net framwork 1.1 from here and save it to your desktop. Check Add/Remove Programs for .Net framework 1.1. If it is there (and it should definitely show if its installed), please remove it. If the computer asks you to re-start, please do so. Then unzip the removal tool's folder, then run the cleanup tool. Allow it to finish. Restart the computer if it asks you to. Then double-click on the dotnetfx.exe file that you downloaded earlier. If it asks you to re-start, please do so. See how the computer is behaving now in regards to the message it was getting.
  22. Would you please use some punctuation in your replies? It's harder to read long run on sentences than it is sentences with punctuation. Thanks. That's good that you know how to use it I really like Kaspersky personally. We all have our preferences though of course. Yeah, FP's happen unfortunately but they can and will happen with all security products, the question is how do we as users handle them and how does the company handle them, and hopefully they are few and far between. Me I have my Kaspersky set to prompt ME so it asks ME what I want to do when something is detected or found. The main reason for this is in case of FP's, plus I like to be in control of what my security programs are doing. You're quite welcome!
  23. You're welcome Kaspersky is a great protection choice Only run Dr. Web if you are certain what you are doing; it can be a powerful tool. You're welcome I just wanted to make sure before we went forward because if the computer was infected that would need to be taken care of before this. I've uninstalled, run the clean-up tool, and then re-installed .net framework a few times now, so I am pretty sure that this should work for you
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