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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Hi dkinkley, Just checking in with you - what ended up happening? Did you choose another antivirus solution or did you stick with AVG?
  2. AdvancedSetup, That link of yours doesn't work
  3. Ah, gotcha! Yeah, it is too bad. I still prefer Firefox, although I am getting used to (once again after a hiatus) IE and Orca Browser.
  4. Amethyst, Ah, okay. Reason I was asking is because I thought you might be concerned about the security hole that's been discovered in Firefox (I made a post about it in the security alerts forum if you don't happen to know what I am talking about) and I was just going to say if you were using 3.5.8, that version is not affected. When Firefox updated from 3.0.x, I waited a few months to update, and good thing I did, because a major security thing was discovered in 3.5.x, and now the same thing with 3.6.x, so I am glad I waited. You might consider waiting a little bit in the future as well when I a new version comes out, just an idea
  5. hehe I just have a subscription (now) to whatever topic I make or reply in, that way I don't miss anything, but I hardly miss anything anyway. course then I get a bunch of emails (I had about 500+ yesterday that I went thru quickly) telling me that someone has replied but I have them all directed into their own folder that I made just for forum reminders, so no biggie
  6. Amethyst, I don't use WOT so I can't help you test this out unfortunately but what version of Firefox are you using?
  7. Thanks for the alert. I have a few people that I will need to tell about this and one machine to check up on personally
  8. Gak! Change your password to something really hard.
  9. Oh my gosh... well if it is truly lost you may want to consider changing your checking account to a new account number.
  10. imersion, Ah gotcha! Im just curious, what are the different OS's? Let us know if you have any further questions!
  11. Ugh! That really sucks! I hate when things like that happen. My friend had a lot of payment screw ups with one of the colleges she attended as well, and it was like playing tag with someone who didn't know how to play tag... Keep us posted on what happens... this is not your fault at all! And wow oh wow... all those transfers
  12. John W, Great, I'm glad the silent IP block is working for you! I am concerned though about what is causing these IP blocks to happen so often... Was it happening when you had your browser or any other applications open or when you weren't doing anything, or what was the situation?
  13. Edit: Oops! I totally misread your original post and I had thought you meant for forum registration. Yes, you should contact support@malwarebytes.org and they should be able to help you change your email. I did it like a month or so ago now? Just go to My Controls at the top, scroll down and on the left it will say Options... >Change E-mail address. Then follow the directions As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button. Thanks!
  14. Hello John Please use the ADD REPLY button at the bottom of the page in the future when replying P2P software, a few examples are Limewire, Vuze, uTorrent... I don't think that Skype would be setting off IP blocks, but I am not positive on that. When did you install Skype? When did you get Mbam paid, and when did this start occurring? Have you had any recent infections that you are aware of?
  15. Steve, That sounds like the best thing for you to do, as you are infected. Good luck!
  16. Hmm well typically I run my quick scan as I am getting ready for bed... would that work for you NelliO? Or something similar to that?
  17. I typically try to run my scan when nothing else is going on on the computer, especially if its a full scan.
  18. Hello Josh Firstly, please repost your post here (if you haven't already that is): http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?a...ew_post&f=7 So that someone will be able to assist you. It's okay if you weren't able to do everything - sometimes the malware will block what you are trying to do. You just do what you can and you and your helper will go from there Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help. Also, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post. Thank you
  19. Greetings John, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org If you can stand to wait, when version 1.45 comes out, there will be the option for IP blocks to occur silenently (but these of course will still be recorded in your protection log). If you don't want to wait, please see here: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=162100 And scroll down to Registry Switches for Controlling IP-Blocking, and there you will see an option for a silent IP block registry switch. How often are these IP blocks happening? Do you have any P2P software installed by any chance?
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