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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. You're welcome! I'll start another thread over in the PC Help forum to assist you with that, since that's really where it would belong I'll PM you the link. I won't really be able to help you out with this tomorrow night but no worries, I'll start the thread tomorrow afternoon and PM you the link and we can go from there It's okay. Thank you much though, I appreciate it *hug back* I should have explained it in better detail to you but sometimes I just plum forget things. And just for the record, I wasn't trying to reprimand you or anything, so I do apologize if it came off that way at all. I certainly wasn't trying to do so.
  2. Thanks for those links, YoKenny1. And wow, that second link you gave, I can't believe that they said that... :/
  3. Ah-ha, thanks Buttons, I wasn't quite sure. Edit: Thanks for the link too
  4. Er, don't they have one of the lowest percentages in tests? A computer I was working on had CIS and it was a broken installation (not necessarily Comodo's fault probably the person who installed it did it wrong but who knows why it was broken) so it didn't even work right, so just Windows Firewall for basically 4-5 months or so until I found out about it & then had to fix it after realizing I couldn't unisntall it. Miraculously no infections, and as a plus it's Vista, so that helped tremendously. I had SUCH a huge headache with the computer and trying to uninstall Comodo. Several awesome individuals on the forum here helped me out with it and finally I was able to uninstall it & then get Avira on there. Also the firewall portion gave me such a PITA. Not trying to bash Comodo but I did not have a good experience and I was advised to get something else on that machine asap. And agreed Buttons, a layered approach is best, as I have very well learned since coming here :)
  5. Hello again nottotechy SpyBot is great for immunization (which is basically what the HOSTS file will do, which I will get to in a moment) but running it in realtime is not of much help these days unfortunately because the definitions are updated infrequently and also TeaTimer is rather bloated these days. Since you already have Mbam pro running in realtime you're all set with realtime spyware/anti malware protection. On top of what you already have, I highly recommend a HOSTS file. I use HostsMan for my HOSTS file manager and I would be happy to assist you with directions on how to install it and answer questions you may have about using it. What a HOSTS file does, particularly in this case, is block baddie websites (including most advertisements) so that your computer never has a chance go to them. It's an awesome little program and its a great addition to your protection arsenal if you choose to use it. Let me know if you are interested Again, just as a note, please use the ADD REPLY button when replying. Thanks
  6. Oldviking, (and anyone else that may be reading here) With some software programs, a reboot is required in order to fully install a new version and/or a new update. There was a recent update with Adobe Reader that also required a reboot. AV updates sometimes require a reboot as well. I had an update to my AV the other day that required a reboot to finish.
  7. Did a clean install of 1.46. It is working perfectly :)
  8. Actually PC Tools is a legitimate company, and Spyware Doctor is one of their programs. When I used SD, it was bloated, and slowed my computer down very, very badly. I was able to find a contact email for them, although at least at the time, it was very difficult to find one. They did get back to me and were courteous and gave me a refund when I explained that I was unable to use their product due to the fact that I could barely use my computer with it running. I didn't know they were bought by Symantec?
  9. Welcome Timmy Enjoy your stay here! If you do want to list your email, it should be username [at] hotmail [dot] se To help prevent spambot harvesting
  10. You're welcome, FutonDog I am not on staff or anything but I'll do my best to answer your question of why a full scan then based on what I have read from staff members on the forum here and my observations. Basically I think it boils down to that users feel better with a full scan as an option in addition to the quick scan, because AV programs have always had one as well. Malwarebytes is a very different type of program and does not scan or work the way many other security programs do. A full scan is basically never needed unless you want to remove-already dead traces of an infection or items in system restore, which can also be done by clearing the system restore (after ensuring that you are clean and have made a new, fresh restore point). So basically a full scan is there for those who want it but it is basically unneeded. Before I came to this forum, I too thought that a full scan was the way to go. I thought to myself, what is a quick scan going to do? So I always used the full scan. But not anymore. I basically only use the full scan if I am beta testing Mbam and it is requested that a full scan be done as part of the testing process. I hope that this clears things up for you Feel free to correct me anyone if I have written something incorrect here.
  11. I just went to update my Mbam, and 4049 is still the most recent update
  12. I just noticed this test site, my apologies for not seeing it sooner. I was about to post it to you, abuaufa And thank you, gtyhfy
  13. Gee, I am quite late in noticing this, but, thanks for this Exile!
  14. You're welcome xdryrobroy Your computer may be freezing when you try to remove the detected items because the malware could be interfering with your doing so. You COULD be having a conflict with your antivirus though, it is a possibility. Other than this, have you had any issues between Malwarebytes and your AV program? What is your AV program by the way?
  15. abuaufa, You are quite welcome! As for the update dates being off (4-28 vs 4-29) this does happen once in a while, but no worries. Database 4049 is the current database that I have and I updated about an hour or two ago So you seem to be all up to date. Was your issue that the date was off or are updates not occurring at all?
  16. Well, the correct place to report IP's IS in the FP forum. To get assistance with the actual program and/or malware removal program, support@malwarebytes.org is the correct address to contact Are you getting frequent IP blocks? Or was it only when accessing a certain site? Please give me the IP address that was being blocked and I'll pass it along Thanks
  17. I have seen a few that were never helped on the board also, but perhaps they were helped via email. I don't know. I am not sure why you were referred to the board when you emailed for help. I am not on staff so I have no idea. Wait another day or two and see if you get a reply in the Malware Removal Forum and if not, try support@malwarebytes.org again and include your order number as well in the email, including in the subject line.
  18. Hmm. Well, please be patient and wait a few days and someone should reply to your post. I'll keep an eye on your post too and if it does get lost in all the requests for help, I'll let someone know about it. Please don't keep posting in this thread about this though, as this isn't really the place to be requesting for malware removal help. It's fine initially like you did, and then you get directed to the Malware removal forum by someone like I did But you really should stop posting in this thread about this as the ONLY place malware removal is actually worked on is in the Malware removal forum. Thank you
  19. nottootechy, You need to be patient and wait for someone to reply It is often very busy in the malware removal forum, sometimes a reply can take up to 5 days or so to get if there are many, many requests for help. You will be replied to! It just takes a couple of days or more sometimes. Thank you
  20. abuaufa, I wasn't comfortable doing it at first either because of that statement but I can assure you its safe. They have that there as a disclaimer to free them from any liability and also so that you are aware that they will not be held responsible for anything that could happen to you computer. It's extremely unlikely that anything bad will happen to your machine. When you run a file (vs saving it) it will ask you to make a test profile. It will give you instructions also on how to reverse any changes that may have been made to your system as a result. As long as you allow Mbam to do its job and you select QUARANTINE when the protection module pops up, changes will not even be made. If you don't want to move forward and use SpyCar to test Malwarebytes, I am not sure what other test there is to test the actual protection module. What I do to test IP protection anyway is go into the False Positives forum and pick a reported IP False Positive that looks relatively safe (nothing related to torrents/wares/phishing scams etc...) and go to that website (NOT directly to the IP itself). So you could do this to test the IP/Website blocker if you'd like Let me know if you have any other questions!
  21. Hello xdryrobroy, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org Please read the following so that you may begin the cleaning process: We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help. If you are unable to do all or any of the steps in the link to the directions above, just post your problem into the forum I gave you a link to anyway and someone will be able to assist you. Also, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page, as this makes the forum easier to read. After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post. Thank you
  22. Hello abuaufa, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org For your first question, you may check out this site here: http://www.spycar.org/ Then you'll need to go here to accept their EULA: http://www.spycar.org/Spycar%20EULA.html SpyCar is a site designed to test your Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware software against harmless files and downloads that pose as malicious ones. The files are totally harmless and any changes made to your system, which are also totally harmless, are reversible at the end of the test. For your second question, are you logged in as an administrator? Or, if running Vista or 7, you may right-click on the Malwarebytes icon (from your desktop, not sure if this works from the task tray) and choose "Run as administrator". As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page. Thank you
  23. Hello coconutnut You may update Malwarebytes offline by following the directions in Issue #4 after going to this link: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=10138 Hope this helps!
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