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Everything posted by Naki

  1. MBam Scan log: Malwarebytes Anti-Malwarewww.malwarebytes.org Scan Date: 11.05.2014Scan Time: 12:10:42Logfile: Administrator: Yes Version: Database: v2014.05.11.03Rootkit Database: v2014.03.27.01License: FreeMalware Protection: DisabledMalicious Website Protection: DisabledSelf-protection: Disabled OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1CPU: x64File System: NTFSUser: Vlado Scan Type: Threat ScanResult: CompletedObjects Scanned: 560624Time Elapsed: 8 min, 51 sec Memory: EnabledStartup: EnabledFilesystem: EnabledArchives: EnabledRootkits: DisabledHeuristics: EnabledPUP: EnabledPUM: Enabled Processes: 0(No malicious items detected) Modules: 0(No malicious items detected) Registry Keys: 0(No malicious items detected) Registry Values: 0(No malicious items detected) Registry Data: 0(No malicious items detected) Folders: 0(No malicious items detected) Files: 3PUP.Optional.OpenCandy, C:\Users\Vlado\Downloads\DTLite4413-0173.exe, , [7ea16de3dd9e0e283ee36303ca3a966a], PUP.Optional.Amonetize.A, C:\Users\Vlado\Downloads\PFPortChecker.exe, , [55caf25ebac13303570bd245bd4455ab], PUP.Optional.OpenCandy, C:\Users\Vlado\Downloads\winamp5621_full_emusic-7plus_all.exe, , [ab74143cdaa141f5180985e1ec18a65a], Physical Sectors: 0(No malicious items detected) (end)-------------- Now what? Clearly no viruses or other significant malware! Can you maybe send me a debug build of MBAM, that can create a more detailed log maybe?
  2. Sadly the Beta did not change anything, system/web browser still keeps freezing. Attaching FarBar logs + MBAM-check log. Addition.txt FRST.txt CheckResults.txt
  3. OK, restarting the PC fixed the MSSE Update function. Got a little scared, glad it works after the restart...
  4. OK, Combofix fix broke my MSSE Updates again! Any idea why this happens? Currently MSSE can't Check for Updates and throws an error. Help?
  5. OK, I took your advice and uninstalled the ooVoo Toolbar - I don't use it anyway. Combofix log file attached. Please let me know next steps... ComboFix.txt
  6. For reference, my old thread is here: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=147078
  7. My first topic was locked. Removed offending software, hope to get help again now... This is not good. I have a fast and powerful PC - Intel Core i7 CPU, 32 GB of RAM (4 sticks 8 GB each), NVidia GeForce GTX 670 videocard, 2 SSDs, and also a 4 GB RAM disk. When I do a scan with the new MBAM 2.0 version (using the free one), the MalwareBytes Antimalware Pre-scan causes the Windows shell and my web browser to stop responding (Chrome says Not responding, Windows taskbar won't respond to clicks). The mouse (by Razer, USB wired) won't reply to clicks also and barely moves or does not move at all. Keyboard (HP, again USB) also fails. Any comments on this? Versions 1.x of MBAM Free never did this. Using Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate, SP1 + all Updates installed. Using the free MSSE antivirus by Microsoft as main antivirus software. I have Daemon Tools Lite, version, but without the SPTD component. Also, my RAM disk software is from AMD. I have an additional USB 3.0 Etron 188 chipset PCI Express card (4 port), because my ASRock motherboard only has two USB 3.0 ports. I also have VMware Workstation 10 installed, as well as LogMeIn Hamachi, maybe those two could affect Malwarebytes Antimalware with the extra (virtual) network cards they create. If you need more info on my config, please tell me. Attaching my latest FARBAR logs. FRST.txt Addition.txt
  8. Attaching final step Log files (step 8, FRST). Hope that helps! FRST.txt Addition.txt
  9. Sorry, meant to write: ...chat with other gameRs. (not "games")
  10. Attaching ESET log - again, nothing special and I believe NOthing relevant! Just old email backups, installers of software with optional adware/toolbars and other such harmless and INactive things (many of which on my external HDDs). ESET Scan Log.txt
  11. QUESTION: ESET Scanner found a bunch of nonsense/non-relevant ages old files, which are not and can not be active in any way. SO, my QUESTION is - do you work for Malwarebytes? Such as programmer, tech support and/or beta tester? If not, please tell me how I can contact Tech Support, as it seems we are not going anywhere for now!
  12. I need this, because it is part of Oovoo and XFire! The former is a IM/voice/video chat app similar to Skype, and I use XFire to track my gaming hours + chat with other games. So, I need this to stay and won't remove it.
  13. ESET Online Scanner has been running for a bit over 5 hours, not reached 50% yet. Will let it run overnight and update you in the morning.
  14. Step 6 --- NO viruses found --> Malwarebytes Anti-Malwarewww.malwarebytes.org Scan Date: 27.04.2014Scan Time: 14:01:33Logfile: Administrator: Yes Version: Database: v2014.04.27.02Rootkit Database: v2014.03.27.01License: FreeMalware Protection: DisabledMalicious Website Protection: DisabledChameleon: Disabled OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1CPU: x64File System: NTFSUser: Vlado Scan Type: Threat ScanResult: CompletedObjects Scanned: 559374Time Elapsed: 9 min, 47 sec Memory: EnabledStartup: EnabledFilesystem: EnabledArchives: EnabledRootkits: DisabledShuriken: EnabledPUP: EnabledPUM: Enabled Processes: 0(No malicious items detected) Modules: 0(No malicious items detected) Registry Keys: 0(No malicious items detected) Registry Values: 0(No malicious items detected) Registry Data: 0(No malicious items detected) Folders: 0(No malicious items detected) Files: 0(No malicious items detected) Physical Sectors: 0(No malicious items detected) (end)
  15. Step 5-- AdwCleaner. Sorry, no can do re. Clean step - will send you the log file, but I am NOT cleaning any of these, these are harmless files some of which I need, and Registry keys the deletion of which can bring unknown consequences/problems.NOT deleting any of these, sorry. AdwCleanerR0.txt
  16. RE. the BSOD - I got lucky and no data was lost. But I may not be so lucky on the next BSOD! NOTE: It seems that one of your tools caused my MSSE antivirus updates to fail! I noticed its antivirus definitions were 2-3 days old. I had to rename a folder in C:\Windows\ for the updates to work again.
  17. This is getting a bit ridiculous! The MBAR tool caused a BSOD on my system, which usually happens once per 3-4 months, sometimes less rarely. NOT good. And it said it found nothing. Anyway, ONE log file attached. The other MBAR log file did NOT get created. Buggy app (or maybe if no virus is found no log gets created?)! system-log.txt
  18. RogueKIller log attached. RKreport0_S_04272014_121604.txt
  19. Step 0 log attached. Step 1 - had to run ERUNT as admin for it to work. Step 2 - Malwarebytes Anti-Malwarewww.malwarebytes.org Scan Date: 25.04.2014Scan Time: 19:22:22Logfile: Administrator: Yes Version: Database: v2014.04.25.08Rootkit Database: v2014.03.27.01License: FreeMalware Protection: DisabledMalicious Website Protection: DisabledChameleon: Disabled OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1CPU: x64File System: NTFSUser: Vlado Scan Type: Threat ScanResult: CompletedObjects Scanned: 573024Time Elapsed: 10 min, 26 sec Memory: EnabledStartup: EnabledFilesystem: EnabledArchives: EnabledRootkits: DisabledShuriken: EnabledPUP: EnabledPUM: Enabled Processes: 0(No malicious items detected) Modules: 0(No malicious items detected) Registry Keys: 0(No malicious items detected) Registry Values: 0(No malicious items detected) Registry Data: 0(No malicious items detected) Folders: 0(No malicious items detected) Files: 1PUP.Optional.OpenCandy, Y:\Temp\utt20FF.tmp, Quarantined, [aede1f0fbfbcd5615118e86b52b26c94], Physical Sectors: 0(No malicious items detected) (end) -------------Step 3 log coming soon....Rkill.txt
  20. Thanks for the steps, will try them soon. I have a question, however - it seems we are trying to clean a virus/trojan/rootkit from my system. If NONE of these tools show any, what would be the next steps? I have scanned multiple times with my MSSE antivirus, MBAM, SAS, and they do NOT report any viruses found. I think it is highly unlikely for this to be a virus problem, but rather a software conflict between MBAM and some software I have installed, which as you can see I have lots of. Or, also possible, it could be a conflict of MBAM with some driver I use.
  21. Not a big deal, I don't need these files much. Yes, I know I should not do this, but I just did not have the time to categorize the items and see which ones I need and which I don't. They were mostly old iPhone/iPod touch programs (.ipa files) deleted by iTunes when a new version of each iOS app gets installed. Please let's ignore the Recycle Bin issue. Please tell me next steps you may suggest by looking at the log I attached.
  22. Thanks!I removed all these, except ICQ, HD Tach and USBSafelyRemove. I set ICQ this way so it does not show in the Windows taskbar (I have two monitors and usually keep several IM clients open on 2nd monitor),HD Tach won't run at all if the option is not set. And I believe the option for USBSafelyRemove was set by the software itself, so I guess it is there for a reason. WHAATTTT?! Why did you not warn me the Combofix tool will delete all my Recycle Bin contents???I had some files there I may need. Can I get them back now, or are they gone forever? Log attached.ComboFix.txt
  23. OK, thanks for the clarification. I did start my own thread.
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