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>>This post actually belongs >>HERE<<. MBAR BETA is a separate, standalone product. ;)  The mod team will probably move it to the correct section.

Anti-Rootkit (ARK) built-in to MBAM 2 is NOT a beta product. :)


You might want to look at this very recent reply to another user



Scan for rootkits utilizes a specific set of rules and tests to determine if a rootkit is present on your computer. For readers who unfamiliar with this term, an explanation may be handy. A rootkit is malicious software that can be placed on a computer which can modify operating system files in a manner that hides its presence. Malware detection methods that rely on hooks to the operating system for detection and analysis would prove ineffective if the hooks had been purposely manipulated by the malware. Our testing method is more intensive and more effective, but including rootkit scans as part of your overall scan strategy increases the time required to perform a scan.


As for anti-rootkit (ARK) scanning, yes, that is a new feature in version 2.
It is disabled by default because some users will prefer not to use it.
Also, if the hard drive is encrypted with software other than TrueCrypt, such as BitLocker or other products, then ARK is not supported (there are complicated technical reasons why that is the case).  That is another reason it is an option.
Since the scanning involved for ARK requires more use of system resources and bit a more time, enabling it might need to slightly longer scan times.
On a newer, faster computer, that is not a problem and it's nothing to worry about.
If you wish --- as long as your hard drive is not encrypted with a non-supported encryption program -- you can enable it for both Settings > Protection and Detection, and/or in the Advanced Settings for your scan.
If you run into problems, you can post back for help or you disable it.
ALSO, for additional information:
There is an FAQ Section here: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF
And there are many useful KB topics and videos at the helpdesk support page




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